Historic Singapore dollar Ethereum

Singapore dollar ethereum history for February 2024. The highest quote for this month is 2614.2 (29/02/2024) and the lowest 2461.01 (29/02/2024). The difference between high and low is 5.86.

SGD ETH average rate for February 2024 is 2043.00241, the change between 01/02/2024 and 29/02/2024 is -44.46 %.

01 February 20241 SGD = 1718.75 ETH
02 February 20241 SGD = 1726.82 ETH
03 February 20241 SGD = 1710.91 ETH
04 February 20241 SGD = 1706.58 ETH
05 February 20241 SGD = 1711.13 ETH
06 February 20241 SGD = 1761.09 ETH
07 February 20241 SGD = 1803.84 ETH
08 February 20241 SGD = 1801.52 ETH
09 February 20241 SGD = 1846.97 ETH
10 February 20241 SGD = 1857.85 ETH
11 February 20241 SGD = 1864.23 ETH
12 February 20241 SGD = 1976.03 ETH
13 February 20241 SGD = 1964.80 ETH
14 February 20241 SGD = 2056.09 ETH
15 February 20241 SGD = 2095.61 ETH
16 February 20241 SGD = 2083.66 ETH
17 February 20241 SGD = 2070.64 ETH
18 February 20241 SGD = 2138.45 ETH
19 February 20241 SGD = 2188.01 ETH
20 February 20241 SGD = 2238.33 ETH
21 February 20241 SGD = 2210.63 ETH
22 February 20241 SGD = 2210.72 ETH
23 February 20241 SGD = 2176.61 ETH
24 February 20241 SGD = 2227.64 ETH
25 February 20241 SGD = 2317.89 ETH
26 February 20241 SGD = 2366.50 ETH
27 February 20241 SGD = 2413.57 ETH
28 February 20241 SGD = 2519.27 ETH
29 February 20241 SGD = 2482.93 ETH

28/07/2020: Ethereum 2.0 Testnet Launch

The Beacon Chain, the first phase of Ethereum 2.0, goes live on a public testnet, marking a significant step towards the transition to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.

30/03/2020: SGD in COVID-19 Pandemic

The SGD faces volatility and fluctuations in value due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

20/07/2017: Ethereum Hard Forks: Byzantium

The Ethereum network undergoes a hard fork upgrade named Byzantium, implementing various improvements to enhance scalability, privacy, and security.

13/10/2016: Celebrating 50 Years of Currency

Singapore commemorates 50 years of Singapore currency, showcasing the success and stability of the SGD.

17/06/2016: The DAO Hack

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), built on the Ethereum platform, suffers a major security breach, resulting in the theft of approximately 3.6 million ETH tokens.

30/07/2015: Ethereum Mainnet Launched

The Ethereum mainnet is released, enabling developers around the world to build and deploy decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.

30/07/2013: Ethereum Whitepaper Published

Vitalik Buterin publishes the Ethereum whitepaper, outlining a new blockchain platform designed to support decentralized applications and smart contracts.

03/01/2009: Bitcoin Genesis Block Created

The first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the Genesis Block, is mined by Satoshi Nakamoto, marking the birth of the Bitcoin network.

31/10/2008: Bitcoin Whitepaper Published

Satoshi Nakamoto releases a whitepaper titled 'Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,' introducing the concept of a decentralized digital currency.

21/07/2003: Currency Interchangeability Agreement with Brunei

The SGD and Brunei dollar become interchangeable at par value, enhancing economic cooperation between the two countries.

02/01/2001: Floatation of SGD

Singapore allows the SGD to float freely against other currencies, abandoning the exchange rate peg and adopting a managed float system.

01/03/1973: Pegging to a Basket of Currencies

The SGD is pegged to a basket of currencies, leading to increased stability and reduced reliance on a single currency.

12/06/1967: Monetary Agreement with Malaysia

Singapore withdrew from the Malaysian dollar and issued its own currency.

12/06/1965: Independence of Singapore

The Singapore dollar (SGD) is introduced as the official currency upon Singapore's separation from Malaysia.