Historic Swiss franc Bitcoin

Swiss franc bitcoin history for August 2023. The highest quote for this month is 34362.1 (08/08/2023) and the lowest 33642.7 (09/08/2023). The difference between high and low is 2.09.

CHF BTC average rate for August 2023 is 32198.6875, the change between 01/08/2023 and 31/08/2023 is +8.78 %.

01 August 20231 CHF = 34045.50 BTC
02 August 20231 CHF = 33416.60 BTC
04 August 20231 CHF = 33257.20 BTC
07 August 20231 CHF = 33381.70 BTC
08 August 20231 CHF = 34107.40 BTC
09 August 20231 CHF = 33761.40 BTC
11 August 20231 CHF = 33528.80 BTC
12 August 20231 CHF = 33545.40 BTC
14 August 20231 CHF = 33547.50 BTC
16 August 20231 CHF = 32666.90 BTC
17 August 20231 CHF = 30295.80 BTC
21 August 20231 CHF = 29610.10 BTC
22 August 20231 CHF = 29633.20 BTC
24 August 20231 CHF = 29817.70 BTC
28 August 20231 CHF = 29507.50 BTC
30 August 20231 CHF = 31056.30 BTC

08/02/2021: Tesla's Bitcoin Investment

Tesla announced a $1.5 billion investment in Bitcoin and plans to accept it as a form of payment for its products.

11/05/2020: Third Bitcoin Halving

The block reward for miners was reduced from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC, reducing the rate of new Bitcoin creation.

17/12/2017: Bitcoin Price Peak

Bitcoin reached its all-time high price of nearly $20,000 per BTC during a speculative market frenzy.

01/08/2017: Bitcoin Cash Fork

Bitcoin underwent a hard fork leading to the creation of a new cryptocurrency called Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

15/01/2015: Removal of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank unexpectedly abandoned the minimum exchange rate, causing the Swiss franc (CHF) to surge in value.

28/11/2013: All-Time High (ATH) Price

Bitcoin reached its first significant price milestone by surpassing $1,000 per BTC for the first time.

06/09/2011: Implementation of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank imposed a minimum exchange rate pegging the Swiss franc (CHF) to the Euro to prevent excessive appreciation.

22/05/2010: Bitcoin Pizza Day

Laszlo Hanyecz made the first recorded real-world transaction using Bitcoin, buying two pizzas for 10,000 BTC.

03/01/2009: Bitcoin Genesis Block

The first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, also known as the Genesis Block, was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto.

13/09/1999: Introduction of Euro

Switzerland decided not to join the Eurozone and maintain the Swiss franc (CHF) as its official currency.

08/05/1973: Floatation of Swiss Franc

Switzerland abandoned the fixed exchange rate system, allowing the Swiss franc (CHF) to float freely against other currencies.

01/05/1936: Introduction of Swiss National Bank

The Swiss National Bank was established as the central bank responsible for issuing and managing the Swiss franc (CHF).

24/11/1907: Gold Standard Referendum

Switzerland voted to adopt the gold standard, making the Swiss franc (CHF) fully convertible into gold.

06/06/1850: Currency Act of 1850

The Swiss franc (CHF) was introduced as the official currency of Switzerland.