Historic United States dollar Malawian kwacha

United States dollar malawian kwacha history for October 2023. The highest quote for this month is 1166.02 (03/10/2023) and the lowest 1154.19 (13/10/2023). The difference between high and low is 1.01.

USD MWK average rate for October 2023 is 1132.9536, the change between 01/10/2023 and 31/10/2023 is -4.73 %.

01 October 20231 USD = 1076.06 MWK
03 October 20231 USD = 1066.00 MWK
04 October 20231 USD = 1082.49 MWK
06 October 20231 USD = 1152.32 MWK
07 October 20231 USD = 1154.74 MWK
09 October 20231 USD = 1150.48 MWK
10 October 20231 USD = 1153.99 MWK
11 October 20231 USD = 1142.00 MWK
13 October 20231 USD = 1138.00 MWK
16 October 20231 USD = 1156.13 MWK
17 October 20231 USD = 1137.00 MWK
18 October 20231 USD = 1143.00 MWK
19 October 20231 USD = 1150.31 MWK
20 October 20231 USD = 1137.00 MWK
21 October 20231 USD = 1143.86 MWK
22 October 20231 USD = 1143.83 MWK
23 October 20231 USD = 1150.08 MWK
24 October 20231 USD = 1139.00 MWK
25 October 20231 USD = 1128.00 MWK
26 October 20231 USD = 1121.00 MWK
27 October 20231 USD = 1121.00 MWK
28 October 20231 USD = 1137.29 MWK
29 October 20231 USD = 1137.29 MWK
30 October 20231 USD = 1135.97 MWK
31 October 20231 USD = 1127.00 MWK

13/05/2020: Introduction of New Thousand Kwacha Banknotes

Malawi introduced new banknotes with higher denominations to address issues of inflation and to streamline transactions in a cash-based economy.

01/05/2016: Currency Floatation

The Malawian government allowed the kwacha to float freely against other currencies, leading to a significant depreciation of the currency.

07/08/2012: Introduction of New Kwacha Coins

Malawi introduced new coins to replace smaller denominations of the kwacha banknotes, facilitating transactions and reducing the cost of producing money.

10/04/2000: Introduction of New Kwacha Banknotes

Malawi introduced new banknotes with enhanced security features to combat counterfeiting and to modernize the currency.

14/06/1994: Malawi's First Multiparty Democratic Elections

Malawi held its first multiparty democratic elections, leading to a political and economic transition which affected the value of the kwacha.

01/09/1979: First Devaluation of the Kwacha

The Malawian government devalued the kwacha by 30% in response to economic challenges and to promote exports.

06/07/1971: Introduction of the Malawian Kwacha

The Malawian Kwacha (MWK) was introduced as the official currency of Malawi, replacing the Malawian pound at a rate of 2 kwacha = 1 pound.