Historic Namibian dollar Aruban florin

Namibian dollar aruban florin history since 28/09/2024 until today (0 years). Search for NAD to AWG exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Bank of Namibia and the Aruban florin the currency of Aruba supplied by Central Bank of Aruba. The NAD AWG historical data can be seen on the Namibian dollar aruban florin historical chart.

01/03/2018: Redenomination of the Aruban florin

Aruba redenominated its currency, replacing 1,000 florins with 1 florin, simplifying transactions and reducing the size of banknotes.

26/01/2016: New N$100 and N$200 Banknotes Introduced

Namibia introduced new banknotes of N$100 and N$200 denominations to address the need for higher-value currency in the growing economy.

30/08/2012: Introduction of N$10 Commemorative Banknote

Namibia introduced a commemorative banknote of N$10 to celebrate the centenary of the country's struggle for independence.

01/01/2011: Introduction of polymer banknotes

Aruba introduced polymer banknotes, made from a durable and secure polymer substrate, to enhance the durability and security of its currency.

27/10/2008: Financial Crisis Impact

Due to the global financial crisis, the Namibian dollar experienced a depreciation against major currencies, affecting the country's economy.

01/01/2003: Replacement of older banknotes

Older series of banknotes were phased out and replaced by newer and more secure banknotes featuring enhanced anti-counterfeiting measures.

01/01/2002: Replacement of Old Banknotes

Old banknotes of the Namibian dollar were demonetized, and new banknotes became the only valid currency.

01/01/2000: Adoption of new currency symbol

The Aruban florin adopted a new symbol, ƒ, to distinguish itself from other currencies.

01/06/1999: Introduction of New Banknotes and Coins

New series of banknotes and coins were introduced in Namibia, featuring indigenous wildlife and cultural symbols.

30/08/1993: Dollarization of Namibia

Namibia adopted the Namibian dollar as its sole legal tender, replacing the South African rand as the official currency.

01/01/1993: Currency reform

A currency reform took place in Aruba, with the introduction of a new series of banknotes and the demonetization of certain older banknotes.

21/03/1990: Independence of Namibia

Namibia gained independence from South Africa, leading to the introduction of the Namibian dollar as the official currency of the newly established country.

01/01/1990: Introduction of the guilders coins

Aruba introduced its own series of coins denominated in guilders, featuring unique designs and symbols reflective of Aruban culture.

01/01/1986: Introduction of the Aruban florin

The Aruban florin was established as the official currency of Aruba, replacing the Dutch guilder at a fixed rate of 1.79 florin to 1 guilder.