Namibian dollar

The Namibian dollar is the currency of Namibia (NA)
1 NAD = 0.082 AUD
1 AUD = 12.250 NAD
1 NAD = 45.695 ARS
1 ARS = 0.022 NAD
1 NAD = 153.939 BIF
1 BIF = 0.006 NAD
1 NAD = 0.020 BHD
1 BHD = 49.270 NAD
1 NAD = 0.372 BOB
1 BOB = 2.688 NAD
1 NAD = 0.092 AZN
1 AZN = 10.924 NAD
1 NAD = 4.456 BTN
1 BTN = 0.224 NAD
1 NAD = 27.538 CRC
1 CRC = 0.036 NAD
1 NAD = 1.248 CZK
1 CZK = 0.801 NAD
1 NAD = 0.387 CNY
1 CNY = 2.587 NAD
1 NAD = 0.368 DKK
1 DKK = 2.717 NAD
1 NAD = 3.056 ETB
1 ETB = 0.327 NAD
1 NAD = 462.717 GNF
1 GNF = 0.002 NAD
1 NAD = 0.372 HRK
1 HRK = 2.689 NAD
1 NAD = 836.848 IDR
1 IDR = 0.001 NAD
1 NAD = 8.356 JMD
1 JMD = 0.120 NAD
1 NAD = 4.816 KGS
1 KGS = 0.208 NAD
1 NAD = 0.096 BAM
1 BAM = 10.384 NAD
1 NAD = 0.097 ANG
1 ANG = 10.307 NAD
1 NAD = 0.731 BWP
1 BWP = 1.369 NAD
1 NAD = 0.072 BND
1 BND = 13.958 NAD
1 NAD = 149.391 CDF
1 CDF = 0.007 NAD
1 NAD = 0.109 BZD
1 BZD = 9.215 NAD
1 NAD = 1758.085 BYR
1 BYR = 0.001 NAD
1 NAD = 0.096 BGN
1 BGN = 10.380 NAD
1 NAD = 0.073 CAD
1 CAD = 13.748 NAD
1 NAD = 7.240 DZD
1 DZD = 0.138 NAD
1 NAD = 0.808 ERN
1 ERN = 1.238 NAD
1 NAD = 2.628 EGP
1 EGP = 0.381 NAD
1 NAD = 0.120 FJD
1 FJD = 8.318 NAD
1 NAD = 0.042 GBP
1 GBP = 23.699 NAD
1 NAD = 0.042 FKP
1 FKP = 23.699 NAD
1 NAD = 0.420 GTQ
1 GTQ = 2.379 NAD
1 NAD = 0.421 HKD
1 HKD = 2.374 NAD
1 NAD = 19.668 HUF
1 HUF = 0.051 NAD
1 NAD = 70.522 IQD
1 IQD = 0.014 NAD
1 NAD = 2263.610 IRR
1 IRR = 0.000 NAD
1 NAD = 24.261 KMF
1 KMF = 0.041 NAD
1 NAD = 70.686 KRW
1 KRW = 0.014 NAD
1 NAD = 5.119 ALL
1 ALL = 0.195 NAD
1 NAD = 5.908 BDT
1 BDT = 0.169 NAD
1 NAD = 0.097 AWG
1 AWG = 10.317 NAD
1 NAD = 0.268 BRL
1 BRL = 3.727 NAD
1 NAD = 0.000 BCH
1 BCH = 7943.114 NAD
1 NAD = 0.000 BTC
1 BTC = 1326500.000 NAD
1 NAD = 0.198 AED
1 AED = 5.056 NAD
1 NAD = 44.912 AOA
1 AOA = 0.022 NAD
1 NAD = 0.054 BSD
1 BSD = 18.571 NAD
1 NAD = 51.891 CLP
1 CLP = 0.019 NAD
1 NAD = 0.176 BYN
1 BYN = 5.677 NAD
1 NAD = 210.687 COP
1 COP = 0.005 NAD
1 NAD = 1.387 CUP
1 CUP = 0.721 NAD
1 NAD = 0.000 ETH
1 ETH = 74582.329 NAD
1 NAD = 0.049 EUR
1 EUR = 20.263 NAD
1 NAD = 1.329 HNL
1 HNL = 0.752 NAD
1 NAD = 3.660 GMD
1 GMD = 0.273 NAD
1 NAD = 0.042 GIP
1 GIP = 23.699 NAD
1 NAD = 7.137 HTG
1 HTG = 0.140 NAD
1 NAD = 0.038 JOD
1 JOD = 26.197 NAD
1 NAD = 7.959 JPY
1 JPY = 0.126 NAD
1 NAD = 3.819 AFN
1 AFN = 0.262 NAD
1 NAD = 0.108 BBD
1 BBD = 9.286 NAD
1 NAD = 0.054 BMD
1 BMD = 18.571 NAD
1 NAD = 21.684 AMD
1 AMD = 0.046 NAD
1 NAD = 0.047 CHF
1 CHF = 21.131 NAD
1 NAD = 9.586 DJF
1 DJF = 0.104 NAD
1 NAD = 3.182 DOP
1 DOP = 0.314 NAD
1 NAD = 5.429 CVE
1 CVE = 0.184 NAD
1 NAD = 0.143 GEL
1 GEL = 6.995 NAD
1 NAD = 0.690 GHS
1 GHS = 1.449 NAD
1 NAD = 11.275 GYD
1 GYD = 0.089 NAD
1 NAD = 0.197 ILS
1 ILS = 5.076 NAD
1 NAD = 4.458 INR
1 INR = 0.224 NAD
1 NAD = 7.339 ISK
1 ISK = 0.136 NAD
1 NAD = 218.020 KHR
1 KHR = 0.005 NAD
1 NAD = 7.485 KES
1 KES = 0.134 NAD
1 NAD = 0.017 KWD
1 KWD = 60.454 NAD
1 NAD = 24.159 KZT
1 KZT = 0.041 NAD
1 NAD = 16.537 LKR
1 LKR = 0.060 NAD
1 NAD = 0.540 MAD
1 MAD = 1.851 NAD
1 NAD = 113.053 MMK
1 MMK = 0.009 NAD
1 NAD = 185.774 MNT
1 MNT = 0.005 NAD
1 NAD = 2.466 MUR
1 MUR = 0.406 NAD
1 NAD = 21.406 MRO
1 MRO = 0.047 NAD
1 NAD = 0.829 MVR
1 MVR = 1.206 NAD
1 NAD = 90.619 MWK
1 MWK = 0.011 NAD
1 NAD = 0.088 NZD
1 NZD = 11.414 NAD
1 NAD = 7.130 NPR
1 NPR = 0.140 NAD
1 NAD = 2.984 PHP
1 PHP = 0.335 NAD
1 NAD = 15.028 PKR
1 PKR = 0.067 NAD
1 NAD = 69.094 RWF
1 RWF = 0.014 NAD
1 NAD = 0.001 LTC
1 LTC = 1802.660 NAD
1 NAD = 0.907 MXN
1 MXN = 1.103 NAD
1 NAD = 1.981 NIO
1 NIO = 0.505 NAD
1 NAD = 0.245 RON
1 RON = 4.079 NAD
1 NAD = 48.463 KPW
1 KPW = 0.021 NAD
1 NAD = 0.045 KYD
1 KYD = 22.289 NAD
1 NAD = 4820.790 LBP
1 LBP = 0.000 NAD
1 NAD = 0.259 LYD
1 LYD = 3.865 NAD
1 NAD = 1123.504 LAK
1 LAK = 0.001 NAD
1 NAD = 242.296 MGA
1 MGA = 0.004 NAD
1 NAD = 10.317 LRD
1 LRD = 0.097 NAD
1 NAD = 3.041 MKD
1 MKD = 0.329 NAD
1 NAD = 1.000 LSL
1 LSL = 1.000 NAD
1 NAD = 0.434 MOP
1 MOP = 2.305 NAD
1 NAD = 0.945 MDL
1 MDL = 1.058 NAD
1 NAD = 1.000 NAD
1 NAD = 1.000 NAD
1 NAD = 0.252 MYR
1 MYR = 3.970 NAD
1 NAD = 0.021 OMR
1 OMR = 48.240 NAD
1 NAD = 84.820 NGN
1 NGN = 0.012 NAD
1 NAD = 0.206 PGK
1 PGK = 4.864 NAD
1 NAD = 0.054 PAB
1 PAB = 18.571 NAD
1 NAD = 0.199 PEN
1 PEN = 5.033 NAD
1 NAD = 0.566 NOK
1 NOK = 1.766 NAD
1 NAD = 0.212 PLN
1 PLN = 4.724 NAD
1 NAD = 392.466 PYG
1 PYG = 0.003 NAD
1 NAD = 0.196 QAR
1 QAR = 5.094 NAD
1 NAD = 0.454 SBD
1 SBD = 2.201 NAD
1 NAD = 0.202 SAR
1 SAR = 4.951 NAD
1 NAD = 0.072 SGD
1 SGD = 13.933 NAD
1 NAD = 1129.153 SLL
1 SLL = 0.001 NAD
1 NAD = 1.924 THB
1 THB = 0.520 NAD
1 NAD = 1.695 TWD
1 TWD = 0.590 NAD
1 NAD = 2.073 UAH
1 UAH = 0.482 NAD
1 NAD = 210.386 UGX
1 UGX = 0.005 NAD
1 NAD = 1.904 SRD
1 SRD = 0.525 NAD
1 NAD = 1199.817 STD
1 STD = 0.001 NAD
1 NAD = 1.726 TRY
1 TRY = 0.579 NAD
1 NAD = 0.366 TTD
1 TTD = 2.734 NAD
1 NAD = 0.127 TOP
1 TOP = 7.865 NAD
1 NAD = 674.746 UZS
1 UZS = 0.001 NAD
1 NAD = 13.478 YER
1 YER = 0.074 NAD
1 NAD = 1.008 ZAR
1 ZAR = 0.992 NAD
1 NAD = 5.785 RSD
1 RSD = 0.173 NAD
1 NAD = 4.918 RUB
1 RUB = 0.203 NAD
1 NAD = 30.768 SOS
1 SOS = 0.033 NAD
1 NAD = 0.471 SVC
1 SVC = 2.123 NAD
1 NAD = 135.293 SYP
1 SYP = 0.007 NAD
1 NAD = 1.000 SZL
1 SZL = 1.000 NAD
1 NAD = 0.167 TND
1 TND = 5.997 NAD
1 NAD = 2.091 UYU
1 UYU = 0.478 NAD
1 NAD = 1327.435 VND
1 VND = 0.001 NAD
1 NAD = 6.393 VUV
1 VUV = 0.156 NAD
1 NAD = 0.151 WST
1 WST = 6.633 NAD
1 NAD = 32.372 XAF
1 XAF = 0.031 NAD
1 NAD = 0.146 XCD
1 XCD = 6.872 NAD
1 NAD = 0.723 SCR
1 SCR = 1.383 NAD
1 NAD = 0.552 SEK
1 SEK = 1.811 NAD
1 NAD = 0.042 SHP
1 SHP = 23.699 NAD
1 NAD = 137.277 TZS
1 TZS = 0.007 NAD
1 NAD = 0.054 USD
1 USD = 18.571 NAD
1 NAD = 5.889 XPF
1 XPF = 0.170 NAD
1 NAD = 32.372 XOF
1 XOF = 0.031 NAD

Evolution of the NAD Exchange Rate

The Namibian dollar (NAD) has experienced various fluctuations in its exchange rate over time. Since its introduction in 1993, the NAD has generally remained relatively stable against major currencies. However, it has faced some periods of depreciation against the US dollar and other major currencies due to factors such as global economic conditions, political developments, and changes in commodity prices.

Variations in the NAD Exchange Rate

The NAD exchange rate has shown both upward and downward movements over time. It has been influenced by factors such as inflation rates, interest rates, foreign direct investment, and trade balances. During periods of economic growth and stability, the NAD has generally appreciated against major currencies. Conversely, during times of economic uncertainty or external shocks, it may depreciate as investors seek safer havens.

Significance of NAD in the Global Economy

The NAD, being the official currency of Namibia, plays a crucial role in its domestic economy. It facilitates trade, investment, and financial transactions within the country. However, in the global economy, the NAD holds limited significance due to Namibia's relatively small economy and low global trade volume. Its impact on global financial markets is minimal, and it is not widely held as a reserve currency by central banks.

Shocks Experienced by NAD and Correlation with Other Currencies

The NAD is vulnerable to external shocks, such as changes in global commodity prices, geopolitical events, and fluctuations in investor sentiment. As an export-oriented economy, Namibia is particularly sensitive to commodity price movements, especially for minerals like diamonds and uranium. The NAD has shown a moderate positive correlation with major currencies like the South African rand (ZAR) due to their close economic ties and shared customs union agreement.