Historic Bitcoin Cash Singapore dollar

03/08/2021: El Salvador Adopts Bitcoin as Legal Tender

El Salvador becomes the first country to recognize Bitcoin, including Bitcoin Cash (BCH), as a legal tender, leading to increased adoption.

24/02/2021: Bitcoin Cash Becomes Merchant Payment Solution

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) gains traction as a popular cryptocurrency for merchant payments due to its low fees and faster transaction times.

15/11/2020: Bitcoin Cash ABC vs. Bitcoin Cash Node

A contentious hard fork occurs within Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community, resulting in a split between Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin Cash Node.

30/03/2020: SGD in COVID-19 Pandemic

The SGD faces volatility and fluctuations in value due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

15/05/2018: Bitcoin Cash Upgrade

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) undergoes a hard fork called ABC upgrade, introducing larger block sizes and smart contract functionalities.

01/08/2017: Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) splits from Bitcoin (BTC) due to a contentious hard fork, increasing the block size to 8MB.

13/10/2016: Celebrating 50 Years of Currency

Singapore commemorates 50 years of Singapore currency, showcasing the success and stability of the SGD.

03/01/2009: First Bitcoin Block Mined

The Genesis Block, also known as Block 0, is mined, marking the birth of Bitcoin network.

31/10/2008: Bitcoin Whitepaper Released

Satoshi Nakamoto publishes Bitcoin whitepaper, laying the foundation for peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

21/07/2003: Currency Interchangeability Agreement with Brunei

The SGD and Brunei dollar become interchangeable at par value, enhancing economic cooperation between the two countries.

02/01/2001: Floatation of SGD

Singapore allows the SGD to float freely against other currencies, abandoning the exchange rate peg and adopting a managed float system.

01/03/1973: Pegging to a Basket of Currencies

The SGD is pegged to a basket of currencies, leading to increased stability and reduced reliance on a single currency.

12/06/1967: Monetary Agreement with Malaysia

Singapore withdrew from the Malaysian dollar and issued its own currency.

12/06/1965: Independence of Singapore

The Singapore dollar (SGD) is introduced as the official currency upon Singapore's separation from Malaysia.