Historic Swiss franc Norwegian krone

Swiss franc norwegian krone history since 27/04/2024 until today (0 years). Search for CHF to NOK exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

The Swiss franc is the currency of Switzerland (supplied by Swiss National Bank and the currency supplied by Norges Bank. The CHF NOK historical data can be seen on the Swiss franc norwegian krone historical chart.

30/10/2016: Withdrawal of the 1000-krone banknote

The Norges Bank phased out the 1000-krone banknote, as part of efforts to combat money laundering and reduce the use of cash in the economy.

15/01/2015: Removal of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank unexpectedly abandoned the minimum exchange rate, causing the Swiss franc (CHF) to surge in value.

06/09/2011: Implementation of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank imposed a minimum exchange rate pegging the Swiss franc (CHF) to the Euro to prevent excessive appreciation.

13/09/1999: Introduction of Euro

Switzerland decided not to join the Eurozone and maintain the Swiss franc (CHF) as its official currency.

01/01/1999: Creation of the euro

Several European countries introduced the euro as a common currency, but Norway chose to maintain the krone, cementing its separate monetary path.

19/11/1992: Norway rejects European Union membership

In a referendum, Norway voted against joining the European Union, reaffirming its independent monetary policy and keeping the krone outside the eurozone.

08/05/1973: Floatation of Swiss Franc

Switzerland abandoned the fixed exchange rate system, allowing the Swiss franc (CHF) to float freely against other currencies.

01/05/1936: Introduction of Swiss National Bank

The Swiss National Bank was established as the central bank responsible for issuing and managing the Swiss franc (CHF).

22/10/1931: Devaluation of the krone

To counter the effects of the Great Depression, Norway devalued the krone by 14%, aiming to boost exports and stimulate the economy.

01/11/1920: Krone's return to the gold standard

Following the end of World War I, Norway reintroduced the gold standard for the krone, stabilizing its value and restoring confidence in the currency.

02/08/1914: Suspension of krone's gold standard

Due to the outbreak of World War I, Norway suspended the krone's convertibility into gold, allowing for more flexibility in monetary policy during the war.

24/11/1907: Gold Standard Referendum

Switzerland voted to adopt the gold standard, making the Swiss franc (CHF) fully convertible into gold.

27/10/1875: The introduction of the krone currency

The krone was established as the official currency of Norway, replacing the previous speciedaler, marking a significant milestone in the country's monetary history.

06/06/1850: Currency Act of 1850

The Swiss franc (CHF) was introduced as the official currency of Switzerland.