Historic Romanian leu Bolivian boliviano

Romanian leu bolivian boliviano history since 09/06/2024 until today (0 years). Search for RON to BOB exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by National Bank of Romania and the Bolivian boliviano the currency of Bolivia supplied by Central Bank of Bolivia. The RON BOB historical data can be seen on the Romanian leu bolivian boliviano historical chart.

01/04/2019: Romania plans to adopt the euro

The Romanian government announces its intention to join the Eurozone and set a target date for adopting the euro as the national currency.

01/06/2005: Currency redenomination

Romania underwent a currency redenomination, with 10,000 old lei being exchanged for 1 new leu, to simplify transactions and eliminate zeros.

31/12/2004: Return to the boliviano

Bolivia ended the dollarization period and officially reintroduced the boliviano as the sole legal tender of the country.

31/12/2003: Dollarization crisis

Bolivia experienced a financial crisis, leading to the temporary dollarization of the economy and the use of the US dollar as legal tender.

01/07/2003: Romania joins EU Accession

As part of joining the European Union, Romania pledges to adopt the euro in the future, aiming for greater economic integration.

28/02/1991: End of communist era

As communism collapsed, Romania undergoes economic reforms and introduces a free-floating exchange rate system for the leu.

31/03/1988: Bolivianoization

Bolivianoization was implemented, requiring all contracts and transactions to be conducted in bolivianos instead of foreign currencies.

28/02/1987: Introduction of the second boliviano

A new boliviano, known as the second boliviano (Boliviano de Segunda), was introduced to replace the heavily devalued first boliviano.

31/01/1986: Hyperinflation crisis

Bolivia experienced a severe hyperinflation crisis, leading to the devaluation of the boliviano.

31/12/1962: Monetary reform

The boliviano underwent a monetary reform, with new banknotes and coins being issued.

30/12/1947: Communist regime introduces new leu

In an attempt to devalue the currency and control the economy, the Communist regime introduces a new leu at a ratio of 1:20,000.

01/03/1901: Introduction of the gold standard

Romanian leu was tied to the gold standard, ensuring the stability of the currency and attracting foreign investments.

31/12/1891: Introduction of Bolivian boliviano

The boliviano was introduced as the official currency of Bolivia, replacing the Bolivian peso.

01/04/1867: Creation of the Romanian leu

The leu was established as the official currency of Romania, replacing the previous currencies in circulation.