Historic Peruvian sol Icelandic Krona

Peruvian sol icelandic krona history since 11/06/2024 until today (0 years). Search for PEN to ISK exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Central Reserve Bank of Peru and the currency supplied by Central Bank of Iceland. The PEN ISK historical data can be seen on the Peruvian sol icelandic krona historical chart.

27/07/2020: Transition to Sol

Peru announced the removal of 'Nuevo' from the currency's name, making it officially known as the Sol once again.

15/11/2018: New Currency Notes Introduced

Iceland released updated banknotes and coins featuring improved security measures and new designs, modernizing the Krona's physical appearance.

15/12/2015: Introduction of New Sol Banknotes

New series of banknotes featuring improved security features and designs were introduced for the Nuevo Sol.

15/03/2015: Capital Controls Lifted

Iceland lifted its capital controls, implemented after the financial crisis, allowing for more flexible foreign exchange transactions.

14/11/2010: IMF Loan Approved

Iceland secured a $2.1 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund, stabilizing the Krona and aiding economic recovery.

06/10/2008: Financial Crisis Begins

The collapse of Icelandic banks and subsequent financial crisis severely devalued the Krona, leading to economic turmoil.

01/10/1995: Introduction of Nuevo Sol

The Peruvian Sol was revalued and renamed as the Nuevo Sol, with a new currency code of PEN.

01/07/1991: Return to the Sol

Peru reintroduced the Sol as its official currency, replacing the Inti at a rate of 1 million Intis to 1 Sol.

01/02/1985: Creation of the Inti

The Peruvian Inti was created to replace the Sol as the official currency as part of an economic reform plan.

05/03/1981: Stock Exchange Established

The Icelandic Stock Exchange was founded, promoting economic growth and affecting the Krona's value.

10/05/1940: Occupation of Iceland

Following the German occupation of Denmark, Iceland became occupied by British forces, impacting the currency's stability.

01/01/1922: Currency Board Established

The Icelandic Krona was introduced under the Danish Krone pegged to 1 Krone = 100 aurar.

01/07/1880: Adoption of the Sol de Oro Standard

Peru adopted the Sol de Oro standard, pegging the Sol to gold at a fixed rate.

23/11/1850: Introducción of Peruvian Sol

The Peruvian Sol was introduced as the official currency of Peru to replace the Spanish real.