Historic Norwegian krone Danish Krone

Norwegian krone danish krone history for February 2024. The highest quote for this month is 0.65931 (20/02/2024) and the lowest 0.6602 (13/02/2024). The difference between high and low is -0.13.

NOK DKK average rate for February 2024 is 0.65497, the change between 01/02/2024 and 29/02/2024 is +1.06 %.

01 February 20241 NOK = 0.6563 DKK
02 February 20241 NOK = 0.6573 DKK
03 February 20241 NOK = 0.6510 DKK
05 February 20241 NOK = 0.6512 DKK
06 February 20241 NOK = 0.6495 DKK
07 February 20241 NOK = 0.6549 DKK
08 February 20241 NOK = 0.6540 DKK
09 February 20241 NOK = 0.6517 DKK
10 February 20241 NOK = 0.6559 DKK
11 February 20241 NOK = 0.6559 DKK
12 February 20241 NOK = 0.6555 DKK
13 February 20241 NOK = 0.6591 DKK
14 February 20241 NOK = 0.6524 DKK
15 February 20241 NOK = 0.6567 DKK
16 February 20241 NOK = 0.6575 DKK
19 February 20241 NOK = 0.6586 DKK
20 February 20241 NOK = 0.6595 DKK
21 February 20241 NOK = 0.6576 DKK
22 February 20241 NOK = 0.6577 DKK
23 February 20241 NOK = 0.6560 DKK
26 February 20241 NOK = 0.6541 DKK
27 February 20241 NOK = 0.6544 DKK
28 February 20241 NOK = 0.6532 DKK
29 February 20241 NOK = 0.6493 DKK

04/02/2021: Ending of Intervention Policy

Denmark's central bank announced the end of its long-standing policy of defending the Krone's peg to the Euro.

30/10/2016: Withdrawal of the 1000-krone banknote

The Norges Bank phased out the 1000-krone banknote, as part of efforts to combat money laundering and reduce the use of cash in the economy.

19/09/2000: Referendum on Euro Membership

Danish voters rejected adopting the Euro in a referendum, maintaining the Krone as the national currency.

01/01/1999: Creation of the euro

Several European countries introduced the euro as a common currency, but Norway chose to maintain the krone, cementing its separate monetary path.

31/12/1998: Euro peg

Denmark joined the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II), pegging the Krone to the Euro with a narrow fluctuation band.

19/11/1992: Norway rejects European Union membership

In a referendum, Norway voted against joining the European Union, reaffirming its independent monetary policy and keeping the krone outside the eurozone.

24/03/1982: Floating Exchange Rate

Denmark switched to a floating exchange rate regime, allowing the Krone's value to be determined by market forces.

21/07/1944: Bretton Woods Agreement

Denmark became a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and agreed to the Bretton Woods system, pegging the Krone to the US dollar.

22/10/1931: Devaluation of the krone

To counter the effects of the Great Depression, Norway devalued the krone by 14%, aiming to boost exports and stimulate the economy.

10/09/1927: Return to Gold Standard

Denmark abandoned the gold standard due to economic pressures and public debt.

01/11/1920: Krone's return to the gold standard

Following the end of World War I, Norway reintroduced the gold standard for the krone, stabilizing its value and restoring confidence in the currency.

02/08/1914: Suspension of krone's gold standard

Due to the outbreak of World War I, Norway suspended the krone's convertibility into gold, allowing for more flexibility in monetary policy during the war.

27/10/1875: The introduction of the krone currency

The krone was established as the official currency of Norway, replacing the previous speciedaler, marking a significant milestone in the country's monetary history.

31/12/1872: Pegging to Gold Standard

The Danish Krone was pegged to the gold standard, fixing its value in relation to gold.