Historic Mauritian Rupee Guyanese dollar

Mauritian Rupee guyanese dollar history for January 2024. The highest quote for this month is 4.7034 (06/01/2024) and the lowest 4.7296 (14/01/2024). The difference between high and low is -0.56.

MUR GYD average rate for January 2024 is 4.60647, the change between 01/01/2024 and 31/01/2024 is +0.55 %.

01 January 20241 MUR = 4.630 GYD
02 January 20241 MUR = 4.640 GYD
03 January 20241 MUR = 4.653 GYD
04 January 20241 MUR = 4.680 GYD
05 January 20241 MUR = 4.573 GYD
06 January 20241 MUR = 4.703 GYD
07 January 20241 MUR = 4.674 GYD
08 January 20241 MUR = 4.586 GYD
09 January 20241 MUR = 4.588 GYD
10 January 20241 MUR = 4.526 GYD
11 January 20241 MUR = 4.636 GYD
12 January 20241 MUR = 4.508 GYD
14 January 20241 MUR = 4.730 GYD
15 January 20241 MUR = 4.611 GYD
16 January 20241 MUR = 4.501 GYD
17 January 20241 MUR = 4.546 GYD
18 January 20241 MUR = 4.618 GYD
19 January 20241 MUR = 4.660 GYD
22 January 20241 MUR = 4.651 GYD
23 January 20241 MUR = 4.658 GYD
24 January 20241 MUR = 4.656 GYD
25 January 20241 MUR = 4.600 GYD
26 January 20241 MUR = 4.603 GYD
28 January 20241 MUR = 4.578 GYD
29 January 20241 MUR = 4.504 GYD
30 January 20241 MUR = 4.457 GYD
31 January 20241 MUR = 4.605 GYD

01/01/2020: Transition to Polymer Banknotes

Polymer banknotes were introduced in Guyana, enhancing the durability and security features of the Guyanese dollar.

15/02/2013: Launch of New MUR Banknotes

New series of Mauritian Rupee banknotes were launched, featuring enhanced security features and updated designs, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of Mauritius.

08/09/2007: Currency Reform and New Coinage System

A currency reform was implemented, introducing new coins denominated in cents, with the aim of streamlining and modernizing the monetary system.

03/02/2003: Redenomination of the Currency

The Guyanese dollar underwent a redenomination, with old banknotes replaced by new notes at a rate of 1,000 old dollars to 1 new dollar.

03/08/1999: Establishment of Bank of Mauritius

Bank of Mauritius Act was enacted, establishing the central bank responsible for the formulation and implementation of monetary policy in the country.

01/07/1994: Conversion to Decimal Currency System

Mauritian Rupee adopted the decimal currency system, replacing the previous pound-based system, with 1 Rupee consisting of 100 cents.

05/10/1992: Resumption of Banking System

The resumption of the banking system in Guyana significantly improved the stability and accessibility of the Guyanese dollar.

01/07/1992: Introduction of Polymer Banknotes

Polymer-based banknotes were introduced in Mauritius, replacing the traditional paper notes, to improve durability and security against counterfeiting.

01/10/1979: Decentralization of Currency Printing

Printing of Mauritian Rupee banknotes was decentralized from the Bank of England to Mauritius, leading to enhanced national monetary control.

12/06/1967: Introduction of Mauritian Rupee

Mauritian Rupee was introduced as the official currency replacing the Mauritian Pound, with an initial exchange rate of 1 Rupee to 10 Shillings.

26/05/1966: Independence of Guyana

Following Guyana's independence from Britain, the currency was renamed from British Guiana dollar to Guyanese dollar.

12/09/1951: Currency Board Established

A Currency Board was established to manage the British Guiana dollar, ensuring its stability and convertibility.

06/08/1917: Currency Act of 1917

The British Guiana dollar was revalued at a rate of 4.80 dollars to 1 U.S. dollar, following the Currency Act of 1917.

18/01/1839: Introduction of the British Guiana dollar

British Guiana dollar introduced as the official currency of British Guiana, replacing the Spanish and Portuguese coins previously in circulation.