Historic Icelandic Krona Pound sterling

Icelandic Krona pound sterling history since 10/06/2024 until today (0 years). Search for ISK to GBP exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Central Bank of Iceland and the currency supplied by Bank of England. The ISK GBP historical data can be seen on the Icelandic Krona pound sterling historical chart.

15/11/2018: New Currency Notes Introduced

Iceland released updated banknotes and coins featuring improved security measures and new designs, modernizing the Krona's physical appearance.

23/06/2016: Brexit Referendum

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, causing significant uncertainty and volatility in the pound sterling's value.

15/03/2015: Capital Controls Lifted

Iceland lifted its capital controls, implemented after the financial crisis, allowing for more flexible foreign exchange transactions.

14/11/2010: IMF Loan Approved

Iceland secured a $2.1 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund, stabilizing the Krona and aiding economic recovery.

06/10/2008: Financial Crisis Begins

The collapse of Icelandic banks and subsequent financial crisis severely devalued the Krona, leading to economic turmoil.

31/12/1999: Establishment of the Euro

The euro was introduced as an electronic currency, paving the way for the eventual replacement of some national currencies, including the pound.

16/09/1992: Black Wednesday

The pound sterling experienced a severe drop in value and the UK was forced to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM).

05/03/1981: Stock Exchange Established

The Icelandic Stock Exchange was founded, promoting economic growth and affecting the Krona's value.

14/02/1971: Decimalization of the Pound

The pound sterling was decimalized, with the old system of pounds, shillings and pence replaced by a decimal currency.

10/05/1940: Occupation of Iceland

Following the German occupation of Denmark, Iceland became occupied by British forces, impacting the currency's stability.

01/01/1922: Currency Board Established

The Icelandic Krona was introduced under the Danish Krone pegged to 1 Krone = 100 aurar.

06/12/1921: Currency Separation with Ireland

Following the Anglo-Irish Treaty, Ireland left the United Kingdom and established its own currency, leading to separate pound sterling notes.

21/12/1816: Gold Standard Introduced

The pound sterling was officially placed on the gold standard, meaning it was backed by a fixed amount of gold.

27/07/1694: Bank of England Established

The Bank of England was founded and granted a royal charter, becoming the central bank of England.