Historic Ethiopian birr Falkland Islands pound

18/07/2016: New Polymer Banknotes Issued

The Falkland Islands government introduces new polymer banknotes to replace the older paper versions, enhancing the durability and security of their currency.

10/09/2008: Introduction of Birr Denominations

Ethiopia introduced new banknotes of different denominations in an effort to combat counterfeiting and improve security features.

27/05/1991: Introduction of Birr Coins

Ethiopia introduced coins for the birr denominations, replacing the previous notes.

14/06/1983: Pegging to the Pound Sterling

The Falkland Islands pound (FKP) is officially pegged to the British pound sterling (GBP) at a 1:1 ratio, ensuring a stable exchange rate.

17/09/1976: Introduction of New Birr

A new birr was introduced, replacing the previous Ethiopian birr and being equal to 100 old birr.

14/05/1971: New Decimalized Currency Introduced

The Falkland Islands pound (FKP) is decimalized, with the introduction of a new currency system based on the decimal system.

08/07/1945: Decree to Change Birr Decimalization

Ethiopia changed the birr decimalization from talari and ghersh to dollars and cents.

31/12/1931: Introduction of Ethiopian birr

The Ethiopian birr was introduced as the official currency, replacing the Maria Theresa Thaler.

05/07/1931: Ethiopian Monetary Authority Established

The Ethiopian Monetary Authority was established to regulate the country's monetary system and issue currency.

28/04/1899: Currency Board Established

The Falkland Islands Currency Board is established, introducing the first Falkland Islands pound (FKP) as the official currency.

14/02/1894: Introduction of Maria Theresa Thaler

Ethiopia adopted the Maria Theresa Thaler as the official currency, which remained in circulation until 1935.

02/01/1833: Argentina Removed from Islands

British forces remove Argentine authorities from the Falkland Islands, solidifying British control over the territory.

03/01/1829: First British Colony Declared

British Captain Onslow declares the Falkland Islands a British colony, leading to the establishment of a formal British presence in the region.

02/01/1764: First British Settlement

British Captain Byron claims the Falkland Islands for Britain, establishing the first permanent British settlement in the region.