Historic Ethiopian birr Czech koruna

Ethiopian birr czech koruna history since 08/06/2024 until today (0 years). Search for ETB to CZK exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by National Bank of Ethiopia and the currency supplied by Czech National Bank. The ETB CZK historical data can be seen on the Ethiopian birr czech koruna historical chart.

05/04/2016: End of currency intervention

The Czech National Bank ended its currency intervention policy, allowing the koruna to float freely and be determined by market forces.

06/11/2013: Currency intervention

The Czech National Bank implemented a currency intervention policy to weaken the koruna and stimulate the country's economy.

09/10/2008: Global financial crisis impact

The koruna experienced significant depreciation during the global financial crisis, reflecting the economic challenges faced by the Czech Republic.

10/09/2008: Introduction of Birr Denominations

Ethiopia introduced new banknotes of different denominations in an effort to combat counterfeiting and improve security features.

30/04/2007: EU membership benefits

The Czech Republic became a member of the European Union's economic and monetary union, allowing for greater stability and cooperation for the koruna.

30/04/2004: EU Accession

The Czech Republic joined the European Union, paving the way for further integration of the koruna with European monetary policies.

30/06/1993: Currency conversion

The Czech Republic adopted a new currency regime, shifting from a fixed exchange rate to a floating exchange rate for the koruna.

07/02/1993: Establishment of Czech koruna

The Czech koruna was introduced as the official currency of the Czech Republic following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia.

27/05/1991: Introduction of Birr Coins

Ethiopia introduced coins for the birr denominations, replacing the previous notes.

17/09/1976: Introduction of New Birr

A new birr was introduced, replacing the previous Ethiopian birr and being equal to 100 old birr.

08/07/1945: Decree to Change Birr Decimalization

Ethiopia changed the birr decimalization from talari and ghersh to dollars and cents.

31/12/1931: Introduction of Ethiopian birr

The Ethiopian birr was introduced as the official currency, replacing the Maria Theresa Thaler.

05/07/1931: Ethiopian Monetary Authority Established

The Ethiopian Monetary Authority was established to regulate the country's monetary system and issue currency.

14/02/1894: Introduction of Maria Theresa Thaler

Ethiopia adopted the Maria Theresa Thaler as the official currency, which remained in circulation until 1935.