Historic Thai baht Swiss franc

Thai baht swiss franc history since 29/04/2024 until today (0 years). Search for THB to CHF exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Bank of Thailand and the Swiss franc the currency of Switzerland supplied by Swiss National Bank. The THB CHF historical data can be seen on the Thai baht swiss franc historical chart.

15/04/2019: Coronation of King Rama X

King Maha Vajiralongkorn's coronation ceremony took place, affirming stability and continuity in the monarchy.

15/01/2015: Removal of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank unexpectedly abandoned the minimum exchange rate, causing the Swiss franc (CHF) to surge in value.

06/09/2011: Implementation of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank imposed a minimum exchange rate pegging the Swiss franc (CHF) to the Euro to prevent excessive appreciation.

19/09/2006: 2006 Thai coup d'état

The military staged a coup overthrowing the government, causing political instability and affecting the currency.

13/09/1999: Introduction of Euro

Switzerland decided not to join the Eurozone and maintain the Swiss franc (CHF) as its official currency.

02/07/1997: Asian Financial Crisis

The Thai baht was devalued triggering the Asian financial crisis, resulting in economic recession and structural reforms.

01/01/1980: Currency Floatation

The Thai baht was shifted from a fixed to a floating exchange rate system, leading to increased volatility.

14/10/1973: October 14 Uprising

A popular uprising against the military dictatorship led to political reforms and an increase in public participation.

08/05/1973: Floatation of Swiss Franc

Switzerland abandoned the fixed exchange rate system, allowing the Swiss franc (CHF) to float freely against other currencies.

01/01/1942: Japanese Occupation

During World War II, Thailand was occupied by Japan, leading to the introduction of Japanese-sponsored banknotes.

01/05/1936: Introduction of Swiss National Bank

The Swiss National Bank was established as the central bank responsible for issuing and managing the Swiss franc (CHF).

24/06/1932: Siamese Revolution

The Siamese Revolution resulted in the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, marking the beginning of political changes in Thailand.

24/11/1907: Gold Standard Referendum

Switzerland voted to adopt the gold standard, making the Swiss franc (CHF) fully convertible into gold.

06/06/1850: Currency Act of 1850

The Swiss franc (CHF) was introduced as the official currency of Switzerland.