Historic Swiss franc Iraqi dinar

15/10/2018: Government Formation

The formation of a new Iraqi government after parliamentary elections brought hopes of stability and potential economic growth, positively impacting the Iraqi dinar.

15/01/2015: Removal of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank unexpectedly abandoned the minimum exchange rate, causing the Swiss franc (CHF) to surge in value.

10/06/2014: ISIS captures Mosul

The capture of Mosul by ISIS led to a further devaluation of the Iraqi dinar and economic instability in the region.

06/09/2011: Implementation of Minimum Exchange Rate

The Swiss National Bank imposed a minimum exchange rate pegging the Swiss franc (CHF) to the Euro to prevent excessive appreciation.

15/10/2004: Introduction of New Iraqi Dinar

A new series of banknotes with enhanced security features was introduced to replace the previous Iraqi dinar notes.

20/03/2003: US-led Invasion of Iraq

The US-led invasion led to the collapse of the Iraqi government, causing instability and a sharp decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar.

13/09/1999: Introduction of Euro

Switzerland decided not to join the Eurozone and maintain the Swiss franc (CHF) as its official currency.

02/08/1990: Iraq invades Kuwait

Iraq's invasion of Kuwait resulted in international economic sanctions and further devaluation of the Iraqi dinar.

22/09/1980: Iran-Iraq War Begins

The Iran-Iraq war started, leading to significant economic challenges and inflation which impacted the Iraqi dinar.

08/05/1973: Floatation of Swiss Franc

Switzerland abandoned the fixed exchange rate system, allowing the Swiss franc (CHF) to float freely against other currencies.

01/05/1936: Introduction of Swiss National Bank

The Swiss National Bank was established as the central bank responsible for issuing and managing the Swiss franc (CHF).

03/10/1932: Independence of Iraq

The Iraqi dinar was introduced as the official currency of Iraq following its independence from British occupation.

24/11/1907: Gold Standard Referendum

Switzerland voted to adopt the gold standard, making the Swiss franc (CHF) fully convertible into gold.

06/06/1850: Currency Act of 1850

The Swiss franc (CHF) was introduced as the official currency of Switzerland.