Historic Mexican peso Serbian Dinar

Mexican peso serbian dinar history since 13/03/2025 until today (0 years). Search for MXN to RSD exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Bank of Mexico and the currency supplied by National Bank of Serbia. The MXN RSD historical data can be seen on the Mexican peso serbian dinar historical chart.

20/06/2012: Mexican Peso Becomes the Most Traded Emerging Market Currency

The Mexican peso surpassed the Brazilian real to become the most traded currency among emerging markets, reflecting Mexico's growing economic importance.

06/10/2008: Serbia applies for EU membership

Serbia officially applied for membership in the European Union, which could potentially impact the future of the Serbian Dinar as Serbia aligns with EU policies.

03/06/2006: Montenegro adopts the Euro

Montenegro unilaterally adopted the Euro as its official currency, while Serbia continued to use the Serbian Dinar.

01/07/2003: Introduction of the Serbian Dinar

After the state union with Montenegro dissolved, Serbia reintroduced the Serbian Dinar as its national currency, replacing the New Dinar.

01/01/2003: Introduction of the New Peso Symbol

The Mexican peso adopted a new symbol, replacing the old symbol (₱) with a capital 'P' with double horizontal lines (MXN) to symbolize the currency.

20/12/1994: Tequila Crisis

Mexico experienced a severe economic crisis and an abrupt devaluation of the peso as a result of the devaluation of the Thai baht, causing investors to flee emerging markets.

01/01/1993: Implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

NAFTA came into effect, promoting trade and investment between Mexico, the United States, and Canada, leading to increased stability and growth in the Mexican economy.

01/04/1992: Introduction of the New Dinar

Due to the breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbia introduced the New Dinar as its currency, replacing the Yugoslav Dinar.

06/07/1988: Introduction of the New Peso

Due to hyperinflation and currency devaluation, Mexico introduced a new currency, called the New Peso, where 1000 old pesos were replaced by 1 new peso.

12/08/1982: Mexican Debt Crisis

Mexico defaulted on its external debt, leading to a sharp devaluation of the peso and a severe economic crisis, requiring an emergency loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

13/08/1970: Devaluation of the Peso

In response to global inflation, the Mexican government devalued the peso by 20% against the US dollar, leading to economic instability and a decline in purchasing power.

20/10/1944: Introduction of the Yugoslav Dinar

The Yugoslav Dinar was introduced, replacing the former currency in circulation, including the Serbian Dinar.

01/11/1918: Merger with the Yugoslav Dinar

After World War I, the Serbian Dinar merged with the Yugoslav Dinar to form a unified currency for the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.

24/04/1868: Introduction of Serbian Dinar

The Serbian Dinar was introduced as the official currency of Serbia to replace the Ottoman akçe.