Historic Litecoin Mexican peso

Litecoin mexican peso history for January 2024. The highest quote for this month is 0.26119 (24/01/2024) and the lowest 0.27181 (08/01/2024). The difference between high and low is -4.07.

LTC MXN average rate for January 2024 is 0.24951, the change between 01/01/2024 and 31/01/2024 is -13.2 %.

01 January 20241 LTC = 0.2270 MXN
02 January 20241 LTC = 0.2324 MXN
03 January 20241 LTC = 0.2606 MXN
04 January 20241 LTC = 0.2559 MXN
05 January 20241 LTC = 0.2576 MXN
06 January 20241 LTC = 0.2567 MXN
07 January 20241 LTC = 0.2622 MXN
08 January 20241 LTC = 0.2490 MXN
09 January 20241 LTC = 0.2514 MXN
10 January 20241 LTC = 0.2428 MXN
11 January 20241 LTC = 0.2359 MXN
12 January 20241 LTC = 0.2319 MXN
14 January 20241 LTC = 0.2417 MXN
15 January 20241 LTC = 0.2436 MXN
16 January 20241 LTC = 0.2430 MXN
17 January 20241 LTC = 0.2479 MXN
18 January 20241 LTC = 0.2529 MXN
19 January 20241 LTC = 0.2412 MXN
21 January 20241 LTC = 0.2394 MXN
22 January 20241 LTC = 0.2540 MXN
23 January 20241 LTC = 0.2624 MXN
24 January 20241 LTC = 0.2617 MXN
25 January 20241 LTC = 0.2631 MXN
26 January 20241 LTC = 0.2564 MXN
27 January 20241 LTC = 0.2516 MXN
28 January 20241 LTC = 0.2507 MXN
29 January 20241 LTC = 0.2508 MXN
30 January 20241 LTC = 0.2551 MXN
31 January 20241 LTC = 0.2570 MXN

05/08/2021: Litecoin Foundation Partners with Atari

The Litecoin Foundation partners with Atari, a prominent gaming company, to integrate Litecoin into Atari's gaming ecosystem, enabling players to use LTC for in-game purchases and transactions.

26/02/2020: Litecoin Implements Mimblewimble Extension Blocks

Litecoin developers announce plans to introduce Mimblewimble Extension Blocks, a privacy-focused protocol extension, to enhance fungibility and transaction anonymity.

05/08/2019: Litecoin Halving

The block reward for Litecoin is halved from 25 LTC to 12.5 LTC, reducing new supply issuance and potentially impacting the cryptocurrency's price and mining economics.

12/12/2017: Litecoin Futures Launch on CME

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) launches futures contracts for Litecoin, offering institutional investors an avenue to trade and speculate on the cryptocurrency.

10/05/2017: Segregated Witness Activation

Litecoin activates Segregated Witness (SegWit), a protocol upgrade aimed at improving scalability and enabling second-layer solutions like the Lightning Network.

29/11/2013: Litecoin's First Major Price Rally

Litecoin experiences its first major price rally, reaching a peak of over $39 per LTC, driven by increased adoption and market speculation.

20/06/2012: Mexican Peso Becomes the Most Traded Emerging Market Currency

The Mexican peso surpassed the Brazilian real to become the most traded currency among emerging markets, reflecting Mexico's growing economic importance.

07/10/2011: Creation of Litecoin

Litecoin is created by Charlie Lee as a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, based on the Bitcoin protocol, with faster block generation time and a different hashing algorithm.

01/01/2003: Introduction of the New Peso Symbol

The Mexican peso adopted a new symbol, replacing the old symbol (₱) with a capital 'P' with double horizontal lines (MXN) to symbolize the currency.

20/12/1994: Tequila Crisis

Mexico experienced a severe economic crisis and an abrupt devaluation of the peso as a result of the devaluation of the Thai baht, causing investors to flee emerging markets.

01/01/1993: Implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

NAFTA came into effect, promoting trade and investment between Mexico, the United States, and Canada, leading to increased stability and growth in the Mexican economy.

06/07/1988: Introduction of the New Peso

Due to hyperinflation and currency devaluation, Mexico introduced a new currency, called the New Peso, where 1000 old pesos were replaced by 1 new peso.

12/08/1982: Mexican Debt Crisis

Mexico defaulted on its external debt, leading to a sharp devaluation of the peso and a severe economic crisis, requiring an emergency loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

13/08/1970: Devaluation of the Peso

In response to global inflation, the Mexican government devalued the peso by 20% against the US dollar, leading to economic instability and a decline in purchasing power.