Historic Libyan dinar Cambodian Riel

Libyan dinar cambodian riel history for November 2023. The highest quote for this month is 860.59 (29/11/2023) and the lowest 853.81 (26/11/2023). The difference between high and low is 0.79.

LYD KHR average rate for November 2023 is 846.715, the change between 01/11/2023 and 30/11/2023 is -1.41 %.

01 November 20231 LYD = 847.0 KHR
02 November 20231 LYD = 848.2 KHR
03 November 20231 LYD = 829.3 KHR
06 November 20231 LYD = 829.8 KHR
07 November 20231 LYD = 852.6 KHR
08 November 20231 LYD = 853.0 KHR
09 November 20231 LYD = 843.9 KHR
10 November 20231 LYD = 846.4 KHR
12 November 20231 LYD = 845.7 KHR
13 November 20231 LYD = 832.3 KHR
14 November 20231 LYD = 844.7 KHR
15 November 20231 LYD = 846.2 KHR
16 November 20231 LYD = 845.5 KHR
17 November 20231 LYD = 853.4 KHR
18 November 20231 LYD = 850.3 KHR
19 November 20231 LYD = 850.3 KHR
20 November 20231 LYD = 836.1 KHR
21 November 20231 LYD = 854.6 KHR
22 November 20231 LYD = 856.8 KHR
23 November 20231 LYD = 840.9 KHR
24 November 20231 LYD = 839.4 KHR
26 November 20231 LYD = 853.8 KHR
27 November 20231 LYD = 839.7 KHR
28 November 20231 LYD = 855.4 KHR
29 November 20231 LYD = 860.6 KHR
30 November 20231 LYD = 859.0 KHR

22/04/2020: COVID-19 Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic caused disruptions in the Cambodian economy, leading to a decline in the value of the Riel.

06/09/2018: Announcement of new dinar notes

The Central Bank of Libya announces the release of new dinar banknotes with enhanced security features to combat counterfeiting.

28/07/2014: Recognition of rival governments

The Libyan Supreme Court recognizes two rival governments, further fragmenting the country and impacting the value of the dinar.

17/02/2011: Start of the Libyan Civil War

The Libyan Civil War begins, leading to political instability and further devaluation of the Libyan dinar.

04/01/2001: Riel Redenomination

The Cambodian government redenominated the Riel by removing four zeros, making it easier for transactions.

20/03/1995: Dollarization

Cambodia officially adopted a dual currency system, allowing the use of both Riel and the United States Dollar.

20/03/1994: Currency Stabilization

Cambodia implemented a new currency stabilization plan to control hyperinflation and stabilize the Riel.

07/04/1986: US imposes economic sanctions

The United States imposes economic sanctions on Libya, severely impacting the value and stability of the Libyan dinar.

07/01/1979: Liberation of Cambodia

Vietnamese forces liberated Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge, leading to the reestablishment of the Riel.

02/03/1978: Establishment of the Central Bank of Libya

The Central Bank of Libya is established, becoming the sole authority responsible for issuing and managing the Libyan dinar.

17/04/1975: Khmer Rouge Regime

The Khmer Rouge regime took control of Cambodia, resulting in the abolition of currency and economic collapse.

08/09/1971: Introduction of the Libyan dinar

The Libyan pound is replaced by the Libyan dinar, at a rate of 1 dinar = 1 pound.

24/12/1951: Independence of Libya

Libya gains independence from Italy, introducing the Libyan pound as its currency.

11/07/1951: Introduction of the Riel

The Riel was established as the official currency of Cambodia, replacing the French Indochinese Piastre.