Historic Liberian dollar Peruvian sol

Liberian dollar peruvian sol history since 23/06/2024 until today (0 years). Search for LRD to PEN exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Central Bank of Liberia and the currency supplied by Central Reserve Bank of Peru. The LRD PEN historical data can be seen on the Liberian dollar peruvian sol historical chart.

27/07/2020: Transition to Sol

Peru announced the removal of 'Nuevo' from the currency's name, making it officially known as the Sol once again.

29/06/2020: Introduction of New Banknotes

Liberia introduces new banknotes with enhanced security features to combat counterfeiting and improve confidence in the currency.

15/12/2015: Introduction of New Sol Banknotes

New series of banknotes featuring improved security features and designs were introduced for the Nuevo Sol.

14/10/2000: ECOWAS Intervention

ECOWAS forces intervene in Liberia, leading to improved stability and gradual recovery of the Liberian dollar.

19/07/1997: Liberian Dollar Depreciation

The Liberian dollar experiences a significant depreciation due to economic mismanagement and the aftermath of the civil war.

01/10/1995: Introduction of Nuevo Sol

The Peruvian Sol was revalued and renamed as the Nuevo Sol, with a new currency code of PEN.

01/07/1991: Return to the Sol

Peru reintroduced the Sol as its official currency, replacing the Inti at a rate of 1 million Intis to 1 Sol.

01/02/1985: Creation of the Inti

The Peruvian Inti was created to replace the Sol as the official currency as part of an economic reform plan.

26/01/1982: Liberian Civil War Begins

The Liberian civil war begins, leading to significant economic instability and devaluation of the Liberian dollar.

23/03/1907: Liberian Dollar Pegged to US Dollar

The Liberian dollar is pegged to the U.S. dollar at a ratio of 2:1, maintaining a fixed exchange rate for many years.

01/07/1880: Adoption of the Sol de Oro Standard

Peru adopted the Sol de Oro standard, pegging the Sol to gold at a fixed rate.

23/11/1850: Introducción of Peruvian Sol

The Peruvian Sol was introduced as the official currency of Peru to replace the Spanish real.

10/07/1849: Introduction of Liberian Dollar

The Liberian dollar is introduced as the official currency of Liberia, replacing the use of foreign currencies in the country.

26/07/1847: Liberian Independence

Liberia declares independence from the American Colonization Society, establishing the first republic in Africa.