Historic Kyrgyzstani som Ethiopian birr

Kyrgyzstani som ethiopian birr history for January 2024. The highest quote for this month is 0.63403 (26/01/2024) and the lowest 0.63113 (24/01/2024). The difference between high and low is 0.46.

KGS ETB average rate for January 2024 is 0.62906, the change between 01/01/2024 and 31/01/2024 is -0.5 %.

08 January 20241 KGS = 0.6251 ETB
09 January 20241 KGS = 0.6274 ETB
10 January 20241 KGS = 0.6303 ETB
11 January 20241 KGS = 0.6307 ETB
12 January 20241 KGS = 0.6308 ETB
15 January 20241 KGS = 0.6299 ETB
16 January 20241 KGS = 0.6302 ETB
17 January 20241 KGS = 0.6319 ETB
18 January 20241 KGS = 0.6278 ETB
19 January 20241 KGS = 0.6277 ETB
22 January 20241 KGS = 0.6306 ETB
23 January 20241 KGS = 0.6273 ETB
24 January 20241 KGS = 0.6281 ETB
25 January 20241 KGS = 0.6283 ETB
26 January 20241 KGS = 0.6283 ETB
29 January 20241 KGS = 0.6317 ETB
30 January 20241 KGS = 0.6288 ETB
31 January 20241 KGS = 0.6283 ETB

01/01/2022: Transition to Central Bank of Russia Currency

Kyrgyzstan joined the Eurasian Economic Union and adopted the Russian ruble as its official currency, replacing the Kyrgyzstani Som.

13/03/2020: COVID-19 Pandemic Effects

The COVID-19 pandemic caused economic disruptions and uncertainty, affecting the Kyrgyzstani Som's exchange rate.

20/05/2014: Kazakhstani Tenge Devaluation

Kazakhstan devalued its currency, the tenge, which had a significant impact on the Kyrgyzstani Som, leading to its depreciation.

07/04/2010: Protests and Political Unrest

Large-scale protests and political unrest erupted in Kyrgyzstan, causing instability and impacting the value of the Som.

01/12/2008: Global Financial Crisis Impact

The global financial crisis led to a sharp depreciation of the Kyrgyzstani Som, affecting the country's economy.

10/09/2008: Introduction of Birr Denominations

Ethiopia introduced new banknotes of different denominations in an effort to combat counterfeiting and improve security features.

01/11/1995: Introduction of New Som

The Kyrgyzstani government introduced the new som, with 1 new som being equivalent to 200 old som.

10/05/1993: Introduction of the Kyrgyzstani Som

The Kyrgyzstani Som was introduced as the official currency of Kyrgyzstan, replacing the Soviet ruble.

27/05/1991: Introduction of Birr Coins

Ethiopia introduced coins for the birr denominations, replacing the previous notes.

17/09/1976: Introduction of New Birr

A new birr was introduced, replacing the previous Ethiopian birr and being equal to 100 old birr.

08/07/1945: Decree to Change Birr Decimalization

Ethiopia changed the birr decimalization from talari and ghersh to dollars and cents.

31/12/1931: Introduction of Ethiopian birr

The Ethiopian birr was introduced as the official currency, replacing the Maria Theresa Thaler.

05/07/1931: Ethiopian Monetary Authority Established

The Ethiopian Monetary Authority was established to regulate the country's monetary system and issue currency.

14/02/1894: Introduction of Maria Theresa Thaler

Ethiopia adopted the Maria Theresa Thaler as the official currency, which remained in circulation until 1935.