Historic Hong Kong dollar Ethereum

Hong Kong dollar ethereum history for August 2023. The highest quote for this month is 240.64 (02/08/2023) and the lowest 236.25 (09/08/2023). The difference between high and low is 1.82.

HKD ETH average rate for August 2023 is 224.68706, the change between 01/08/2023 and 31/08/2023 is +7.9 %.

02 August 20231 HKD = 236.0 ETH
03 August 20231 HKD = 235.2 ETH
04 August 20231 HKD = 234.1 ETH
07 August 20231 HKD = 233.9 ETH
08 August 20231 HKD = 237.7 ETH
09 August 20231 HKD = 237.3 ETH
11 August 20231 HKD = 236.2 ETH
15 August 20231 HKD = 233.6 ETH
16 August 20231 HKD = 230.8 ETH
17 August 20231 HKD = 215.2 ETH
18 August 20231 HKD = 212.1 ETH
21 August 20231 HKD = 212.9 ETH
23 August 20231 HKD = 214.3 ETH
24 August 20231 HKD = 211.7 ETH
25 August 20231 HKD = 210.8 ETH
28 August 20231 HKD = 210.7 ETH
30 August 20231 HKD = 217.3 ETH

28/07/2020: Ethereum 2.0 Testnet Launch

The Beacon Chain, the first phase of Ethereum 2.0, goes live on a public testnet, marking a significant step towards the transition to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.

20/07/2017: Ethereum Hard Forks: Byzantium

The Ethereum network undergoes a hard fork upgrade named Byzantium, implementing various improvements to enhance scalability, privacy, and security.

17/06/2016: The DAO Hack

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), built on the Ethereum platform, suffers a major security breach, resulting in the theft of approximately 3.6 million ETH tokens.

30/07/2015: Ethereum Mainnet Launched

The Ethereum mainnet is released, enabling developers around the world to build and deploy decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.

30/07/2013: Ethereum Whitepaper Published

Vitalik Buterin publishes the Ethereum whitepaper, outlining a new blockchain platform designed to support decentralized applications and smart contracts.

03/01/2009: Bitcoin Genesis Block Created

The first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the Genesis Block, is mined by Satoshi Nakamoto, marking the birth of the Bitcoin network.

31/10/2008: Bitcoin Whitepaper Published

Satoshi Nakamoto releases a whitepaper titled 'Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,' introducing the concept of a decentralized digital currency.

18/05/2005: Removal of Ten Hong Kong Dollars Note

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the removal of the HKD 10 paper note from circulation, encouraging the usage of electronic payment methods and reducing printing costs.

01/07/1997: Hong Kong's Handover to China

Hong Kong was officially handed over to China, marking the end of British colonial rule but maintaining the Hong Kong Dollar as its currency under the 'one country, two systems' principle.

17/10/1991: Linked Exchange Rate System

The Linked Exchange Rate System (LERS) was implemented, establishing a narrow trading range of HKD 7.75 to 7.85 against the U.S. Dollar, backed by stringent measures to maintain stability.

31/12/1983: Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong

The Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed, affirming Hong Kong's return to China in 1997 and ensuring the continuity of the Hong Kong Dollar as its official currency.

22/05/1972: Pegging to the U.S. Dollar

As the British Pound faced pressures in the foreign exchange market, Hong Kong decided to switch the peg to the U.S. Dollar at a rate of HKD 5.65 to USD 1.

12/09/1935: Pegging to the Sterling

The Hong Kong Dollar was pegged to the British Pound (Sterling) at a fixed exchange rate of HKD 16 to GBP 1, which helped stabilize the currency.

01/01/1863: Introduction of the Hong Kong Dollar

The Hong Kong Dollar was first introduced as an official currency by the British colonial government to facilitate trade and commerce in Hong Kong.