Historic Surinamese dollar Cambodian Riel

Surinamese dollar cambodian riel history since 23/04/2024 until today (0 years). Search for SRD to KHR exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Central Bank of Suriname and the currency supplied by National Bank of Cambodia. The SRD KHR historical data can be seen on the Surinamese dollar cambodian riel historical chart.

22/04/2020: COVID-19 Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic caused disruptions in the Cambodian economy, leading to a decline in the value of the Riel.

01/01/2019: Redenomination of the Surinamese dollar

The Surinamese dollar underwent a redenomination with 1 new dollar (SRD) being equal to 1,000 old dollars (SRG).

01/01/2011: Introduction of new banknotes

New banknotes with updated designs and security features were introduced to replace the older series of Surinamese dollar banknotes.

01/01/2004: Replacement of banknotes

New banknotes were introduced with enhanced security features to replace the older series of Surinamese dollar banknotes.

04/01/2001: Riel Redenomination

The Cambodian government redenominated the Riel by removing four zeros, making it easier for transactions.

20/03/1995: Dollarization

Cambodia officially adopted a dual currency system, allowing the use of both Riel and the United States Dollar.

20/03/1994: Currency Stabilization

Cambodia implemented a new currency stabilization plan to control hyperinflation and stabilize the Riel.

23/12/1991: Devaluation of the Surinamese dollar

The Surinamese dollar was devalued by 100%, resulting in an exchange rate of 1 dollar to 200 guilders.

01/10/1985: Introduction of the Surinamese dollar

The Surinamese dollar was introduced as the new currency of Suriname at a rate of 1 dollar to 1,000 guilders.

07/01/1979: Liberation of Cambodia

Vietnamese forces liberated Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge, leading to the reestablishment of the Riel.

17/04/1975: Khmer Rouge Regime

The Khmer Rouge regime took control of Cambodia, resulting in the abolition of currency and economic collapse.

01/01/1962: Introduction of the Surinamese guilder

The Surinamese guilder was introduced as the official currency of Suriname, replacing the Dutch guilder.

31/12/1954: Independence of Suriname

Suriname gained independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, leading to the introduction of the Surinamese guilder as its official currency.

11/07/1951: Introduction of the Riel

The Riel was established as the official currency of Cambodia, replacing the French Indochinese Piastre.