Historic Gambian dalasi Guatemalan quetzal

Gambian dalasi guatemalan quetzal history since 21/09/2024 until today (0 years). Search for GMD to GTQ exchange rate history for a particular date, month or year.

is the currency (supplied by Central Bank of the Gambia and the currency supplied by Bank of Guatemala. The GMD GTQ historical data can be seen on the Gambian dalasi guatemalan quetzal historical chart.

11/01/2021: New polymer banknotes

Polymer banknotes are introduced in The Gambia for the first time, replacing the previous paper banknotes to enhance durability and security.

14/09/2020: Centenary of the Quetzal

The Guatemalan Quetzal celebrated its centenary, marking 100 years as the national currency of Guatemala.

06/08/2019: New family of banknotes

The Central Bank of The Gambia introduces a new family of Gambian dalasi banknotes with improved security features.

30/05/2011: New banknotes

New banknotes were introduced to incorporate modern security features and commemorate the 20th anniversary of Quetzal's reintroduction.

16/06/1997: Introduction of the 25 dalasis note

A new 25-dalasis banknote is introduced, featuring the portrait of President Jammeh, to commemorate 25 years of his rule.

22/07/1996: Change of banknotes and coins

New banknotes and coins featuring the portrait of President Jammeh are introduced, replacing the previous designs.

02/07/1987: Currency redenomination

The Gambian dalasi undergoes a redenomination, with 1 old dalasi being replaced by 10 new dalasis.

09/02/1987: Quetzal devaluation

The Quetzal was devalued by 66% as part of an economic stabilization plan.

01/07/1977: Conversion to decimal currency

The Gambian dalasi is decimalized, with 1 dalasi being divided into 100 bututs.

27/07/1971: Introduction of the Gambian dalasi

The Gambian dalasi currency is introduced to replace the Gambian pound as the official currency of The Gambia.

13/09/1967: Decree Law 17-67

Decree Law 17-67 was enacted, establishing a fixed exchange rate between the Quetzal and the US dollar.

08/04/1951: Monetary Reform

Guatemala underwent a monetary reform, with the introduction of the Quetzal as the sole currency.

25/06/1946: The Quetzalé bill

The Quetzalé bill, equivalent to 1,000 Quetzales, was introduced to combat hyperinflation.

22/06/1925: Introduction of the Quetzal

The Guatemalan Quetzal was introduced as the official currency, replacing the Guatemalan peso.