Historic Dominican Peso Peruvian sol

27/07/2020: Transition to Sol

Peru announced the removal of 'Nuevo' from the currency's name, making it officially known as the Sol once again.

01/10/2018: Redesign and Modernization of Banknotes

The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic unveils a redesigned series of banknotes with enhanced security features and modernized aesthetics.

15/12/2015: Introduction of New Sol Banknotes

New series of banknotes featuring improved security features and designs were introduced for the Nuevo Sol.

01/12/2011: New Security Features

To combat counterfeiting, the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic introduces new security features on the Peso Dominicano banknotes.

01/03/2004: Transition to the Peso Dominicano

The Dominican Republic transitions from the Peso Oro to the Peso Dominicano, a new currency with a different exchange rate, to improve monetary stability.

01/10/1995: Introduction of Nuevo Sol

The Peruvian Sol was revalued and renamed as the Nuevo Sol, with a new currency code of PEN.

01/07/1991: Return to the Sol

Peru reintroduced the Sol as its official currency, replacing the Inti at a rate of 1 million Intis to 1 Sol.

01/02/1985: Creation of the Inti

The Peruvian Inti was created to replace the Sol as the official currency as part of an economic reform plan.

11/10/1947: Introduction of the Peso Oro

The Peso Oro is introduced as a new currency in the Dominican Republic, replacing the previous Peso. It is pegged to the US dollar at a fixed exchange rate.

09/01/1905: The Monetary Law of 1905

The Dominican government enacts the Monetary Law of 1905, which establishes the gold standard for the Peso, linking its value to the US dollar.

01/07/1880: Adoption of the Sol de Oro Standard

Peru adopted the Sol de Oro standard, pegging the Sol to gold at a fixed rate.

17/03/1877: Introduction of Paper Money

The first paper money denominated in the Dominican Peso is introduced, replacing the previously used gold and silver coins.

23/11/1850: Introducción of Peruvian Sol

The Peruvian Sol was introduced as the official currency of Peru to replace the Spanish real.

27/02/1844: Dominican Independence

After gaining independence from Haiti, the Dominican Republic introduces its own currency, the Peso, as a symbol of its sovereignty.