Historic Pound sterling Chilean Peso

Pound sterling chilean peso history for December 2023. The highest quote for this month is 1143.98 (26/12/2023) and the lowest 1128.47 (28/12/2023). The difference between high and low is 1.36.

GBP CLP average rate for December 2023 is 1104.65346, the change between 01/12/2023 and 31/12/2023 is -1.68 %.

01 December 20231 GBP = 1099.21 CLP
03 December 20231 GBP = 1084.18 CLP
04 December 20231 GBP = 1087.97 CLP
05 December 20231 GBP = 1096.01 CLP
06 December 20231 GBP = 1106.36 CLP
07 December 20231 GBP = 1093.15 CLP
08 December 20231 GBP = 1098.01 CLP
10 December 20231 GBP = 1087.70 CLP
11 December 20231 GBP = 1079.65 CLP
12 December 20231 GBP = 1107.62 CLP
13 December 20231 GBP = 1102.33 CLP
14 December 20231 GBP = 1104.23 CLP
15 December 20231 GBP = 1104.88 CLP
17 December 20231 GBP = 1098.57 CLP
18 December 20231 GBP = 1086.65 CLP
19 December 20231 GBP = 1105.45 CLP
20 December 20231 GBP = 1098.03 CLP
21 December 20231 GBP = 1099.92 CLP
22 December 20231 GBP = 1114.61 CLP
24 December 20231 GBP = 1127.37 CLP
25 December 20231 GBP = 1094.71 CLP
26 December 20231 GBP = 1133.58 CLP
27 December 20231 GBP = 1135.53 CLP
28 December 20231 GBP = 1131.12 CLP
29 December 20231 GBP = 1126.50 CLP
31 December 20231 GBP = 1117.65 CLP

23/06/2016: Brexit Referendum

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, causing significant uncertainty and volatility in the pound sterling's value.

31/12/1999: Establishment of the Euro

The euro was introduced as an electronic currency, paving the way for the eventual replacement of some national currencies, including the pound.

16/09/1992: Black Wednesday

The pound sterling experienced a severe drop in value and the UK was forced to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM).

29/09/1977: Decimals Introduced

Chile replaced the escudo with the decimal centavo as the subunit of the peso, simplifying its monetary system.

29/09/1975: Floating Exchange Rate

Chile moved from a fixed to a floating exchange rate system, allowing the peso to be determined by market forces.

14/02/1971: Decimalization of the Pound

The pound sterling was decimalized, with the old system of pounds, shillings and pence replaced by a decimal currency.

02/01/1958: Introduction of Escudo as Subunit

The subunit of 1/100 peso, called the escudo, was introduced to facilitate smaller transactions in Chile.

31/12/1925: Creation of the Central Bank of Chile

The Central Bank of Chile was established, gaining authority over the country's currency issuance and monetary policy.

06/12/1921: Currency Separation with Ireland

Following the Anglo-Irish Treaty, Ireland left the United Kingdom and established its own currency, leading to separate pound sterling notes.

25/06/1895: Gold Standard Adoption

Chile adopted the gold standard, tying the value of the Chilean Peso to the price of gold and stabilizing its currency.

15/06/1851: First Peso Coinage

The first official peso coins were introduced by the Chilean government, replacing the Spanish colonial currency.

12/02/1817: Chilean Independence

Chile gained independence from Spain, leading to the establishment of the Chilean Peso as its official currency.

21/12/1816: Gold Standard Introduced

The pound sterling was officially placed on the gold standard, meaning it was backed by a fixed amount of gold.

27/07/1694: Bank of England Established

The Bank of England was founded and granted a royal charter, becoming the central bank of England.