Historic Convertible Mark New Zealand Dollar

Convertible Mark new zealand dollar history for December 2023. The highest quote for this month is 0.904 (13/12/2023) and the lowest 0.9323 (01/12/2023). The difference between high and low is -3.13.

BAM NZD average rate for December 2023 is 0.89601, the change between 01/12/2023 and 31/12/2023 is +1.43 %.

01 December 20231 BAM = 0.9025 NZD
04 December 20231 BAM = 0.8897 NZD
05 December 20231 BAM = 0.8935 NZD
06 December 20231 BAM = 0.8959 NZD
07 December 20231 BAM = 0.8980 NZD
08 December 20231 BAM = 0.8918 NZD
11 December 20231 BAM = 0.8972 NZD
12 December 20231 BAM = 0.8999 NZD
13 December 20231 BAM = 0.9060 NZD
14 December 20231 BAM = 0.9063 NZD
15 December 20231 BAM = 0.8953 NZD
18 December 20231 BAM = 0.8976 NZD
19 December 20231 BAM = 0.9018 NZD
20 December 20231 BAM = 0.8912 NZD
21 December 20231 BAM = 0.8977 NZD
22 December 20231 BAM = 0.8933 NZD
25 December 20231 BAM = 0.8896 NZD
26 December 20231 BAM = 0.8940 NZD
27 December 20231 BAM = 0.8957 NZD
28 December 20231 BAM = 0.8896 NZD
29 December 20231 BAM = 0.8896 NZD

20/03/2020: COVID-19 Pandemic Effects

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic causes global economic turmoil, leading to volatility in the New Zealand dollar exchange rate and GDP contraction.

01/11/2019: 25th Anniversary of the Convertible Mark

Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the Convertible Mark as its national currency.

15/08/2017: New Banknote Denominations

New banknote denominations of 200 BAM and 1,000 BAM were introduced to facilitate transactions and enhance the efficiency of cash handling.

09/03/2010: New Polymer Banknotes

The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina introduced polymer banknotes to replace the paper banknotes, increasing durability and security.

10/10/2008: Global Financial Crisis Hits New Zealand

New Zealand experiences the impact of the global financial crisis, leading to a sharp depreciation of the New Zealand dollar and economic slowdown.

10/07/2005: Polymer Banknotes Introduced

New Zealand introduces polymer banknotes, replacing the traditional paper notes for increased durability and security.

28/02/2002: Replacement of Deutsche Mark with Euro

The Deutsche Mark was replaced by the euro as the main reference currency for the Convertible Mark's fixed exchange rate.

02/07/1998: Issuance of New Banknote Series

A new series of banknotes was issued, featuring updated designs and enhanced security features.

01/07/1997: Currency Board Arrangement

A Currency Board Arrangement was established to maintain a fixed exchange rate between the Convertible Mark and the Deutsche Mark.

22/06/1995: Introduction of the Convertible Mark

The Convertible Mark was introduced as the official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, replacing the Yugoslav dinar.

05/10/1987: Black Monday Stock Market Crash

Global stock market crash leads to a significant devaluation of the New Zealand dollar and a deep recession in the country.

04/03/1985: Floating Exchange Rate Introduced

New Zealand dollar is allowed to float freely against other currencies, marking the end of fixed exchange rates.

10/07/1961: Decimalization of Currency

New Zealand adopts the decimal currency system, replacing the pound with the New Zealand dollar. NZ$1 is equivalent to NZ£2.

19/10/1933: New Zealand Pound Pegged to the British Pound

New Zealand pound is pegged to the British pound at a rate of £1 to NZ£0.624275.