Historic Bahraini dinar Syrian Pound

Bahraini dinar syrian pound history for January 2024. The highest quote for this month is 35488 (01/01/2024) and the lowest 35722.6 (08/01/2024). The difference between high and low is -0.66.

BHD SYP average rate for January 2024 is 34897.48889, the change between 01/01/2024 and 31/01/2024 is +2.25 %.

01 January 20241 BHD = 35539.40 SYP
02 January 20241 BHD = 35507.30 SYP
03 January 20241 BHD = 34749.80 SYP
04 January 20241 BHD = 34756.20 SYP
05 January 20241 BHD = 34742.00 SYP
06 January 20241 BHD = 34482.80 SYP
07 January 20241 BHD = 34482.80 SYP
08 January 20241 BHD = 35714.10 SYP
09 January 20241 BHD = 34737.50 SYP
10 January 20241 BHD = 34748.80 SYP
11 January 20241 BHD = 34741.90 SYP
12 January 20241 BHD = 34740.10 SYP
14 January 20241 BHD = 34491.90 SYP
15 January 20241 BHD = 35655.70 SYP
16 January 20241 BHD = 34740.40 SYP
17 January 20241 BHD = 34743.80 SYP
18 January 20241 BHD = 34737.70 SYP
19 January 20241 BHD = 34747.10 SYP
22 January 20241 BHD = 35643.00 SYP
23 January 20241 BHD = 34748.10 SYP
24 January 20241 BHD = 34741.60 SYP
25 January 20241 BHD = 34742.30 SYP
26 January 20241 BHD = 34740.70 SYP
28 January 20241 BHD = 34491.90 SYP
29 January 20241 BHD = 35585.40 SYP
30 January 20241 BHD = 34739.00 SYP
31 January 20241 BHD = 34740.90 SYP

19/05/2019: Launch of New Bahraini Dinar Series

A new series of Bahraini dinar banknotes was launched, featuring enhanced security features, updated designs, and braille markings for the visually impaired.

06/02/2014: Introduction of Polymer Banknotes

Bahrain introduced polymer banknotes for the first time, enhancing durability and security of the currency.

30/09/2006: Bahraini Dinar Convertibility

Bahrain lifted the restrictions on the convertibility of the Bahraini dinar, allowing it to be freely traded and exchanged internationally.

20/08/2001: Bahraini Dinar Second Edition

A new series of Bahraini dinar banknotes was introduced, featuring enhanced security features and updated designs.

24/06/1994: Establishment of the Bahrain Monetary Agency

The Bahrain Monetary Agency (now known as the Central Bank of Bahrain) was established to regulate and oversee the Bahraini dinar.

31/12/1972: Bahrain Dinar Pegged to US Dollar

The Bahraini Dinar was pegged to the US Dollar at a fixed exchange rate of 1 dinar = $2.80, which continues to this day.

15/10/1965: Introduction of the Bahraini Dinar

The Bahraini Dinar was introduced as the official currency of Bahrain, replacing the Gulf rupee at a rate of 1 dinar = 10 rupees.