Trinidad & Tobago Dollar

The Trinidad & Tobago Dollar is the currency of Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
1 TTD = 0.223 AUD
1 AUD = 4.481 TTD
1 TTD = 124.925 ARS
1 ARS = 0.008 TTD
1 TTD = 420.851 BIF
1 BIF = 0.002 TTD
1 TTD = 0.055 BHD
1 BHD = 18.022 TTD
1 TTD = 1.017 BOB
1 BOB = 0.983 TTD
1 TTD = 0.250 AZN
1 AZN = 3.996 TTD
1 TTD = 12.183 BTN
1 BTN = 0.082 TTD
1 TTD = 75.286 CRC
1 CRC = 0.013 TTD
1 TTD = 3.412 CZK
1 CZK = 0.293 TTD
1 TTD = 1.057 CNY
1 CNY = 0.946 TTD
1 TTD = 1.006 DKK
1 DKK = 0.994 TTD
1 TTD = 8.356 ETB
1 ETB = 0.120 TTD
1 TTD = 1265.015 GNF
1 GNF = 0.001 TTD
1 TTD = 1.017 HRK
1 HRK = 0.984 TTD
1 TTD = 2287.845 IDR
1 IDR = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 22.844 JMD
1 JMD = 0.044 TTD
1 TTD = 13.165 KGS
1 KGS = 0.076 TTD
1 TTD = 0.263 BAM
1 BAM = 3.798 TTD
1 TTD = 0.265 ANG
1 ANG = 3.770 TTD
1 TTD = 1.997 BWP
1 BWP = 0.501 TTD
1 TTD = 0.196 BND
1 BND = 5.106 TTD
1 TTD = 408.418 CDF
1 CDF = 0.002 TTD
1 TTD = 0.297 BZD
1 BZD = 3.371 TTD
1 TTD = 4806.401 BYR
1 BYR = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 0.263 BGN
1 BGN = 3.797 TTD
1 TTD = 0.199 CAD
1 CAD = 5.029 TTD
1 TTD = 19.793 DZD
1 DZD = 0.051 TTD
1 TTD = 2.208 ERN
1 ERN = 0.453 TTD
1 TTD = 7.184 EGP
1 EGP = 0.139 TTD
1 TTD = 0.329 FJD
1 FJD = 3.042 TTD
1 TTD = 0.115 GBP
1 GBP = 8.669 TTD
1 TTD = 0.115 FKP
1 FKP = 8.669 TTD
1 TTD = 1.149 GTQ
1 GTQ = 0.870 TTD
1 TTD = 1.152 HKD
1 HKD = 0.868 TTD
1 TTD = 53.771 HUF
1 HUF = 0.019 TTD
1 TTD = 192.798 IQD
1 IQD = 0.005 TTD
1 TTD = 6188.447 IRR
1 IRR = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 66.327 KMF
1 KMF = 0.015 TTD
1 TTD = 193.247 KRW
1 KRW = 0.005 TTD
1 TTD = 13.993 ALL
1 ALL = 0.071 TTD
1 TTD = 16.152 BDT
1 BDT = 0.062 TTD
1 TTD = 0.265 AWG
1 AWG = 3.774 TTD
1 TTD = 0.733 BRL
1 BRL = 1.363 TTD
1 TTD = 0.000 BCH
1 BCH = 2905.432 TTD
1 TTD = 0.000 BTC
1 BTC = 485207.143 TTD
1 TTD = 0.541 AED
1 AED = 1.849 TTD
1 TTD = 122.786 AOA
1 AOA = 0.008 TTD
1 TTD = 0.147 BSD
1 BSD = 6.793 TTD
1 TTD = 141.863 CLP
1 CLP = 0.007 TTD
1 TTD = 0.482 BYN
1 BYN = 2.077 TTD
1 TTD = 575.993 COP
1 COP = 0.002 TTD
1 TTD = 3.791 CUP
1 CUP = 0.264 TTD
1 TTD = 0.000 ETH
1 ETH = 27280.723 TTD
1 TTD = 0.135 EUR
1 EUR = 7.412 TTD
1 TTD = 3.635 HNL
1 HNL = 0.275 TTD
1 TTD = 10.007 GMD
1 GMD = 0.100 TTD
1 TTD = 0.115 GIP
1 GIP = 8.669 TTD
1 TTD = 19.513 HTG
1 HTG = 0.051 TTD
1 TTD = 0.104 JOD
1 JOD = 9.582 TTD
1 TTD = 21.758 JPY
1 JPY = 0.046 TTD
1 TTD = 10.440 AFN
1 AFN = 0.096 TTD
1 TTD = 0.294 BBD
1 BBD = 3.396 TTD
1 TTD = 0.147 BMD
1 BMD = 6.793 TTD
1 TTD = 59.281 AMD
1 AMD = 0.017 TTD
1 TTD = 0.129 CHF
1 CHF = 7.729 TTD
1 TTD = 26.208 DJF
1 DJF = 0.038 TTD
1 TTD = 8.698 DOP
1 DOP = 0.115 TTD
1 TTD = 14.842 CVE
1 CVE = 0.067 TTD
1 TTD = 0.391 GEL
1 GEL = 2.559 TTD
1 TTD = 1.887 GHS
1 GHS = 0.530 TTD
1 TTD = 30.823 GYD
1 GYD = 0.032 TTD
1 TTD = 0.539 ILS
1 ILS = 1.857 TTD
1 TTD = 12.187 INR
1 INR = 0.082 TTD
1 TTD = 20.064 ISK
1 ISK = 0.050 TTD
1 TTD = 596.041 KHR
1 KHR = 0.002 TTD
1 TTD = 20.463 KES
1 KES = 0.049 TTD
1 TTD = 0.045 KWD
1 KWD = 22.113 TTD
1 TTD = 66.047 KZT
1 KZT = 0.015 TTD
1 TTD = 45.209 LKR
1 LKR = 0.022 TTD
1 TTD = 1.477 MAD
1 MAD = 0.677 TTD
1 TTD = 309.074 MMK
1 MMK = 0.003 TTD
1 TTD = 507.883 MNT
1 MNT = 0.002 TTD
1 TTD = 6.741 MUR
1 MUR = 0.148 TTD
1 TTD = 58.521 MRO
1 MRO = 0.017 TTD
1 TTD = 2.267 MVR
1 MVR = 0.441 TTD
1 TTD = 247.741 MWK
1 MWK = 0.004 TTD
1 TTD = 0.240 NZD
1 NZD = 4.175 TTD
1 TTD = 19.492 NPR
1 NPR = 0.051 TTD
1 TTD = 8.157 PHP
1 PHP = 0.123 TTD
1 TTD = 41.084 PKR
1 PKR = 0.024 TTD
1 TTD = 188.896 RWF
1 RWF = 0.005 TTD
1 TTD = 0.002 LTC
1 LTC = 659.377 TTD
1 TTD = 2.478 MXN
1 MXN = 0.403 TTD
1 TTD = 5.417 NIO
1 NIO = 0.185 TTD
1 TTD = 0.670 RON
1 RON = 1.492 TTD
1 TTD = 132.491 KPW
1 KPW = 0.008 TTD
1 TTD = 0.123 KYD
1 KYD = 8.153 TTD
1 TTD = 13179.482 LBP
1 LBP = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 0.707 LYD
1 LYD = 1.414 TTD
1 TTD = 3071.531 LAK
1 LAK = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 662.409 MGA
1 MGA = 0.002 TTD
1 TTD = 28.206 LRD
1 LRD = 0.035 TTD
1 TTD = 8.313 MKD
1 MKD = 0.120 TTD
1 TTD = 2.734 LSL
1 LSL = 0.366 TTD
1 TTD = 1.186 MOP
1 MOP = 0.843 TTD
1 TTD = 2.584 MDL
1 MDL = 0.387 TTD
1 TTD = 2.734 NAD
1 NAD = 0.366 TTD
1 TTD = 0.689 MYR
1 MYR = 1.452 TTD
1 TTD = 0.057 OMR
1 OMR = 17.645 TTD
1 TTD = 231.888 NGN
1 NGN = 0.004 TTD
1 TTD = 0.562 PGK
1 PGK = 1.779 TTD
1 TTD = 0.147 PAB
1 PAB = 6.793 TTD
1 TTD = 0.543 PEN
1 PEN = 1.841 TTD
1 TTD = 1.548 NOK
1 NOK = 0.646 TTD
1 TTD = 0.579 PLN
1 PLN = 1.728 TTD
1 TTD = 1072.956 PYG
1 PYG = 0.001 TTD
1 TTD = 0.537 QAR
1 QAR = 1.863 TTD
1 TTD = 1.242 SBD
1 SBD = 0.805 TTD
1 TTD = 0.552 SAR
1 SAR = 1.811 TTD
1 TTD = 0.196 SGD
1 SGD = 5.096 TTD
1 TTD = 3086.973 SLL
1 SLL = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 5.261 THB
1 THB = 0.190 TTD
1 TTD = 4.633 TWD
1 TWD = 0.216 TTD
1 TTD = 5.667 UAH
1 UAH = 0.176 TTD
1 TTD = 575.171 UGX
1 UGX = 0.002 TTD
1 TTD = 5.206 SRD
1 SRD = 0.192 TTD
1 TTD = 3280.160 STD
1 STD = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 4.718 TRY
1 TRY = 0.212 TTD
1 TTD = 1.000 TTD
1 TTD = 1.000 TTD
1 TTD = 0.348 TOP
1 TOP = 2.877 TTD
1 TTD = 1844.676 UZS
1 UZS = 0.001 TTD
1 TTD = 36.847 YER
1 YER = 0.027 TTD
1 TTD = 2.756 ZAR
1 ZAR = 0.363 TTD
1 TTD = 15.815 RSD
1 RSD = 0.063 TTD
1 TTD = 13.444 RUB
1 RUB = 0.074 TTD
1 TTD = 84.116 SOS
1 SOS = 0.012 TTD
1 TTD = 1.288 SVC
1 SVC = 0.777 TTD
1 TTD = 369.876 SYP
1 SYP = 0.003 TTD
1 TTD = 2.733 SZL
1 SZL = 0.366 TTD
1 TTD = 0.456 TND
1 TND = 2.194 TTD
1 TTD = 5.716 UYU
1 UYU = 0.175 TTD
1 TTD = 3629.054 VND
1 VND = 0.000 TTD
1 TTD = 17.477 VUV
1 VUV = 0.057 TTD
1 TTD = 0.412 WST
1 WST = 2.426 TTD
1 TTD = 88.501 XAF
1 XAF = 0.011 TTD
1 TTD = 0.398 XCD
1 XCD = 2.513 TTD
1 TTD = 1.977 SCR
1 SCR = 0.506 TTD
1 TTD = 1.509 SEK
1 SEK = 0.663 TTD
1 TTD = 0.115 SHP
1 SHP = 8.669 TTD
1 TTD = 375.299 TZS
1 TZS = 0.003 TTD
1 TTD = 0.147 USD
1 USD = 6.793 TTD
1 TTD = 16.101 XPF
1 XPF = 0.062 TTD
1 TTD = 88.501 XOF
1 XOF = 0.011 TTD

Evolution of the TTD Exchange Rate

The Trinidad and Tobago Dollar (TTD) has experienced both ups and downs in its exchange rate over time. It has generally been a stable currency but has faced some volatility due to various factors such as fluctuations in oil prices, which heavily impact the country's economy. In recent years, the TTD has depreciated against major currencies due to a decline in oil prices and slower economic growth.

Variations in the TTD Exchange Rate

The TTD exchange rate has shown variations over time. It has appreciated against some currencies during periods of economic growth and increased investor confidence. On the other hand, it has depreciated during times of economic downturns and external shocks. Factors influencing these variations include changes in oil prices, government policies, and global market conditions.

Significance of TTD in the Global Economy

The TTD plays a relatively small role in the global economy due to the limited size of Trinidad and Tobago's economy. However, it is important for the country's trade and international transactions. The TTD is primarily used as a domestic currency but is also accepted in a few neighboring countries. It is primarily traded in the local foreign exchange market and has limited international exchange and liquidity.

Shocks Experienced by TTD and Correlation with Other Currencies

The TTD has experienced shocks related to fluctuations in oil prices, as Trinidad and Tobago heavily relies on oil exports. Changes in oil prices often result in movements in the TTD exchange rate. In terms of correlation with other currencies, the TTD generally has a weak correlation with major global currencies such as the US Dollar or Euro. Instead, its movements are more closely tied to regional factors and events occurring within the Caribbean and Latin American region.