Currency Converter ZAR to BRL

0.325 BRL
Last Update : 12/03/2024 00:00:00

South African rand is the currency and The Brazilian Real the currency of Brazil respectively issued by: South African Reserve Bank and Central Bank of Brazil.

Use our South African rand to Brazilian Real converter and get the latest currencies rates.

ZAR to BRL today rate is 1 R equal 0.325 R$.

South African rand Brazilian Real
Currency Code ZAR BRL
Country South Africa Brazil
Symbol R R$
Banknote 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
Coins 1, 2, 5 1
Central Bank South African Reserve Bank Central Bank of Brazil
1 ZAR = 0.325 BRL 1 BRL = 3.074 ZAR
2 ZAR = 0.651 BRL 2 BRL = 6.148 ZAR
5 ZAR = 1.627 BRL 5 BRL = 15.370 ZAR
10 ZAR = 3.253 BRL 10 BRL = 30.741 ZAR
20 ZAR = 6.506 BRL 20 BRL = 61.482 ZAR
25 ZAR = 8.133 BRL 25 BRL = 76.852 ZAR
50 ZAR = 16.265 BRL 50 BRL = 153.704 ZAR
100 ZAR = 32.530 BRL 100 BRL = 307.408 ZAR
250 ZAR = 81.325 BRL 250 BRL = 768.519 ZAR
500 ZAR = 162.651 BRL 500 BRL = 1537.038 ZAR
1000 ZAR = 325.301 BRL 1000 BRL = 3074.075 ZAR
5000 ZAR = 1626.505 BRL 5000 BRL = 15370.377 ZAR

Currency Converter

Our free online currency converter simplifies currency conversion between ZAR and BRL. It's compatible with tablet, mobile phone, and desktop (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Mac) users. Easily convert currencies from south african rand to brazilian real with our tool.

Popular chart ZAR
Popular chart BRL
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