Historic Peruvian sol Litecoin

Peruvian sol litecoin history for July 2023. The highest quote for this month is 32.257 (03/07/2023) and the lowest 29.901 (03/07/2023). The difference between high and low is 7.3.

PEN LTC average rate for July 2023 is 26.68395, the change between 01/07/2023 and 31/07/2023 is +13.15 %.

03 July 20231 PEN = 30.24 LTC
04 July 20231 PEN = 28.93 LTC
05 July 20231 PEN = 28.91 LTC
06 July 20231 PEN = 26.36 LTC
07 July 20231 PEN = 27.06 LTC
10 July 20231 PEN = 27.36 LTC
11 July 20231 PEN = 26.63 LTC
12 July 20231 PEN = 26.57 LTC
13 July 20231 PEN = 28.53 LTC
14 July 20231 PEN = 26.68 LTC
17 July 20231 PEN = 26.40 LTC
18 July 20231 PEN = 25.65 LTC
19 July 20231 PEN = 25.89 LTC
20 July 20231 PEN = 25.95 LTC
21 July 20231 PEN = 26.77 LTC
24 July 20231 PEN = 25.38 LTC
25 July 20231 PEN = 24.94 LTC
26 July 20231 PEN = 25.24 LTC
27 July 20231 PEN = 25.17 LTC
28 July 20231 PEN = 25.46 LTC
31 July 20231 PEN = 26.26 LTC

05/08/2021: Litecoin Foundation Partners with Atari

The Litecoin Foundation partners with Atari, a prominent gaming company, to integrate Litecoin into Atari's gaming ecosystem, enabling players to use LTC for in-game purchases and transactions.

27/07/2020: Transition to Sol

Peru announced the removal of 'Nuevo' from the currency's name, making it officially known as the Sol once again.

26/02/2020: Litecoin Implements Mimblewimble Extension Blocks

Litecoin developers announce plans to introduce Mimblewimble Extension Blocks, a privacy-focused protocol extension, to enhance fungibility and transaction anonymity.

05/08/2019: Litecoin Halving

The block reward for Litecoin is halved from 25 LTC to 12.5 LTC, reducing new supply issuance and potentially impacting the cryptocurrency's price and mining economics.

12/12/2017: Litecoin Futures Launch on CME

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) launches futures contracts for Litecoin, offering institutional investors an avenue to trade and speculate on the cryptocurrency.

10/05/2017: Segregated Witness Activation

Litecoin activates Segregated Witness (SegWit), a protocol upgrade aimed at improving scalability and enabling second-layer solutions like the Lightning Network.

15/12/2015: Introduction of New Sol Banknotes

New series of banknotes featuring improved security features and designs were introduced for the Nuevo Sol.

29/11/2013: Litecoin's First Major Price Rally

Litecoin experiences its first major price rally, reaching a peak of over $39 per LTC, driven by increased adoption and market speculation.

07/10/2011: Creation of Litecoin

Litecoin is created by Charlie Lee as a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, based on the Bitcoin protocol, with faster block generation time and a different hashing algorithm.

01/10/1995: Introduction of Nuevo Sol

The Peruvian Sol was revalued and renamed as the Nuevo Sol, with a new currency code of PEN.

01/07/1991: Return to the Sol

Peru reintroduced the Sol as its official currency, replacing the Inti at a rate of 1 million Intis to 1 Sol.

01/02/1985: Creation of the Inti

The Peruvian Inti was created to replace the Sol as the official currency as part of an economic reform plan.

01/07/1880: Adoption of the Sol de Oro Standard

Peru adopted the Sol de Oro standard, pegging the Sol to gold at a fixed rate.

23/11/1850: Introducción of Peruvian Sol

The Peruvian Sol was introduced as the official currency of Peru to replace the Spanish real.