Historic Swedish krona United States dollar

Swedish krona united states dollar history for January 2023. The highest quote for this month is 0.09743 (24/01/2023) and the lowest 0.09827 (26/01/2023). The difference between high and low is -0.86.

SEK USD average rate for January 2023 is 0.09618, the change between 01/01/2023 and 31/01/2023 is -0.33 %.

01 January 20231 SEK = 0.0959 USD
02 January 20231 SEK = 0.0962 USD
03 January 20231 SEK = 0.0958 USD
04 January 20231 SEK = 0.0946 USD
05 January 20231 SEK = 0.0952 USD
06 January 20231 SEK = 0.0937 USD
08 January 20231 SEK = 0.0952 USD
09 January 20231 SEK = 0.0951 USD
10 January 20231 SEK = 0.0962 USD
11 January 20231 SEK = 0.0960 USD
12 January 20231 SEK = 0.0956 USD
13 January 20231 SEK = 0.0961 USD
16 January 20231 SEK = 0.0966 USD
17 January 20231 SEK = 0.0962 USD
18 January 20231 SEK = 0.0960 USD
19 January 20231 SEK = 0.0968 USD
20 January 20231 SEK = 0.0970 USD
23 January 20231 SEK = 0.0973 USD
24 January 20231 SEK = 0.0977 USD
26 January 20231 SEK = 0.0981 USD
27 January 20231 SEK = 0.0974 USD
30 January 20231 SEK = 0.0971 USD
31 January 20231 SEK = 0.0962 USD