Historic Argentine peso Euro

Argentine peso euro history for June 2020. The highest quote for this month is 0.013123 (01/06/2020) and the lowest 0.013225 (01/06/2020). The difference between high and low is -0.78.

ARS EUR average rate for June 2020 is 0.0128, the change between 01/06/2020 and 30/06/2020 is +3.95 %.

01 June 20201 ARS = 0.0132 EUR
02 June 20201 ARS = 0.0131 EUR
03 June 20201 ARS = 0.0130 EUR
04 June 20201 ARS = 0.0129 EUR
05 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
08 June 20201 ARS = 0.0129 EUR
09 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
10 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
11 June 20201 ARS = 0.0127 EUR
12 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
15 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
16 June 20201 ARS = 0.0127 EUR
17 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
18 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
19 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
22 June 20201 ARS = 0.0128 EUR
23 June 20201 ARS = 0.0127 EUR
24 June 20201 ARS = 0.0126 EUR
25 June 20201 ARS = 0.0127 EUR
26 June 20201 ARS = 0.0127 EUR
29 June 20201 ARS = 0.0127 EUR
30 June 20201 ARS = 0.0126 EUR

14/09/2020: Introduction of Currency Controls

Argentina tightens currency controls to stabilize the peso and prevent capital flight, imposing restrictions on foreign currency purchases and transfers, marking a significant shift in monetary policy.

11/08/2019: Primary Elections and Peso Devaluation

Following the primary elections, uncertainty in the financial markets leads to a significant devaluation of the peso, causing economic turmoil and further exacerbating the country's financial difficulties.

09/12/2015: Change in Government

Mauricio Macri assumes the presidency, bringing in economic reforms and liberalization policies, impacting the exchange rate and the value of the Argentine peso.

13/07/2015: Greek debt bailout agreement

A third bailout deal was reached between Greece and its creditors, avoiding a potential Greek exit from the Eurozone.

02/05/2010: Greek debt crisis

Greece's financial crisis threatened the stability of the Eurozone, requiring massive bailout packages to prevent a default.

15/10/2008: Global financial crisis

The Euro faced significant economic challenges following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, leading to a recession in many Eurozone countries.

01/05/2004: Eurozone expansion

10 more countries joined the Eurozone, bringing the total number of participating countries to 24.

01/01/2002: Euro banknotes and coins

Physical banknotes and coins in Euro were introduced, replacing national currencies in 12 European countries.

02/12/2001: Economic Crisis and Devaluation

Argentina faces a severe economic crisis, resulting in the devaluation of the peso, leading to a sharp decline in its value and triggering social and political unrest.

01/01/1999: Introduction of the Euro

The Euro was officially introduced as an electronic currency for banking and financial transactions.

07/02/1992: The Maastricht Treaty

The treaty was signed, which officially established the European Union and laid the groundwork for the creation of the Euro.

31/03/1991: Introduction of Convertibility Plan

The Convertibility Plan is implemented, fixing the exchange rate between the Argentine peso and the US dollar on a one-to-one basis, as an attempt to control inflation.

06/01/1985: Introduction of Austral as a new currency

The Argentine government replaces the peso with the Austral as the new currency, aiming to stabilize the economy and tackle hyperinflation.

29/01/1983: End of the military dictatorship

After seven years of military rule, democratic elections are held in Argentina, leading to the end of the military dictatorship and the beginning of a period of economic and political transition.