Nigerian Naira

The Nigerian Naira is the currency of Nigeria (NG)
1 NGN = 0.001 AUD
1 AUD = 1039.044 NGN
1 NGN = 0.539 ARS
1 ARS = 1.856 NGN
1 NGN = 1.815 BIF
1 BIF = 0.551 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 BHD
1 BHD = 4179.110 NGN
1 NGN = 0.004 BOB
1 BOB = 228.021 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 AZN
1 AZN = 926.582 NGN
1 NGN = 0.053 BTN
1 BTN = 19.034 NGN
1 NGN = 0.325 CRC
1 CRC = 3.080 NGN
1 NGN = 0.015 CZK
1 CZK = 67.963 NGN
1 NGN = 0.005 CNY
1 CNY = 219.389 NGN
1 NGN = 0.004 DKK
1 DKK = 230.476 NGN
1 NGN = 0.036 ETB
1 ETB = 27.752 NGN
1 NGN = 5.455 GNF
1 GNF = 0.183 NGN
1 NGN = 0.004 HRK
1 HRK = 228.080 NGN
1 NGN = 9.866 IDR
1 IDR = 0.101 NGN
1 NGN = 0.099 JMD
1 JMD = 10.151 NGN
1 NGN = 0.057 KGS
1 KGS = 17.614 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 BAM
1 BAM = 880.782 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 ANG
1 ANG = 874.231 NGN
1 NGN = 0.009 BWP
1 BWP = 116.096 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 BND
1 BND = 1183.908 NGN
1 NGN = 1.761 CDF
1 CDF = 0.568 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 BZD
1 BZD = 781.654 NGN
1 NGN = 20.727 BYR
1 BYR = 0.048 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 BGN
1 BGN = 880.437 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 CAD
1 CAD = 1166.116 NGN
1 NGN = 0.085 DZD
1 DZD = 11.716 NGN
1 NGN = 0.010 ERN
1 ERN = 105.013 NGN
1 NGN = 0.031 EGP
1 EGP = 32.278 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 FJD
1 FJD = 705.509 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 GBP
1 GBP = 2010.145 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 FKP
1 FKP = 2010.145 NGN
1 NGN = 0.005 GTQ
1 GTQ = 201.766 NGN
1 NGN = 0.005 HKD
1 HKD = 201.328 NGN
1 NGN = 0.232 HUF
1 HUF = 4.313 NGN
1 NGN = 0.831 IQD
1 IQD = 1.203 NGN
1 NGN = 26.687 IRR
1 IRR = 0.037 NGN
1 NGN = 0.286 KMF
1 KMF = 3.496 NGN
1 NGN = 0.833 KRW
1 KRW = 1.200 NGN
1 NGN = 0.060 ALL
1 ALL = 16.571 NGN
1 NGN = 0.070 BDT
1 BDT = 14.356 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 AWG
1 AWG = 875.106 NGN
1 NGN = 0.003 BRL
1 BRL = 316.164 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 BCH
1 BCH = 673733.961 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 BTC
1 BTC = 112513571.429 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 AED
1 AED = 428.868 NGN
1 NGN = 0.530 AOA
1 AOA = 1.889 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 BSD
1 BSD = 1575.190 NGN
1 NGN = 0.612 CLP
1 CLP = 1.635 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 BYN
1 BYN = 481.518 NGN
1 NGN = 2.484 COP
1 COP = 0.403 NGN
1 NGN = 0.016 CUP
1 CUP = 61.172 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 ETH
1 ETH = 6326064.257 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 EUR
1 EUR = 1718.702 NGN
1 NGN = 0.016 HNL
1 HNL = 63.801 NGN
1 NGN = 0.043 GMD
1 GMD = 23.173 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 GIP
1 GIP = 2010.145 NGN
1 NGN = 0.084 HTG
1 HTG = 11.884 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 JOD
1 JOD = 2222.020 NGN
1 NGN = 0.094 JPY
1 JPY = 10.658 NGN
1 NGN = 0.045 AFN
1 AFN = 22.211 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 BBD
1 BBD = 787.595 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 BMD
1 BMD = 1575.190 NGN
1 NGN = 0.256 AMD
1 AMD = 3.912 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 CHF
1 CHF = 1792.310 NGN
1 NGN = 0.113 DJF
1 DJF = 8.848 NGN
1 NGN = 0.038 DOP
1 DOP = 26.659 NGN
1 NGN = 0.064 CVE
1 CVE = 15.624 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 GEL
1 GEL = 593.292 NGN
1 NGN = 0.008 GHS
1 GHS = 122.898 NGN
1 NGN = 0.133 GYD
1 GYD = 7.523 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 ILS
1 ILS = 430.521 NGN
1 NGN = 0.053 INR
1 INR = 19.027 NGN
1 NGN = 0.087 ISK
1 ISK = 11.558 NGN
1 NGN = 2.570 KHR
1 KHR = 0.389 NGN
1 NGN = 0.088 KES
1 KES = 11.332 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 KWD
1 KWD = 5127.739 NGN
1 NGN = 0.285 KZT
1 KZT = 3.511 NGN
1 NGN = 0.195 LKR
1 LKR = 5.129 NGN
1 NGN = 0.006 MAD
1 MAD = 156.985 NGN
1 NGN = 1.333 MMK
1 MMK = 0.750 NGN
1 NGN = 2.190 MNT
1 MNT = 0.457 NGN
1 NGN = 0.029 MUR
1 MUR = 34.400 NGN
1 NGN = 0.252 MRO
1 MRO = 3.962 NGN
1 NGN = 0.010 MVR
1 MVR = 102.285 NGN
1 NGN = 1.068 MWK
1 MWK = 0.936 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 NZD
1 NZD = 968.156 NGN
1 NGN = 0.084 NPR
1 NPR = 11.896 NGN
1 NGN = 0.035 PHP
1 PHP = 28.427 NGN
1 NGN = 0.177 PKR
1 PKR = 5.644 NGN
1 NGN = 0.815 RWF
1 RWF = 1.228 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 LTC
1 LTC = 152901.378 NGN
1 NGN = 0.011 MXN
1 MXN = 93.566 NGN
1 NGN = 0.023 NIO
1 NIO = 42.811 NGN
1 NGN = 0.003 RON
1 RON = 346.005 NGN
1 NGN = 0.571 KPW
1 KPW = 1.750 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 KYD
1 KYD = 1890.576 NGN
1 NGN = 56.836 LBP
1 LBP = 0.018 NGN
1 NGN = 0.003 LYD
1 LYD = 327.816 NGN
1 NGN = 13.246 LAK
1 LAK = 0.075 NGN
1 NGN = 2.857 MGA
1 MGA = 0.350 NGN
1 NGN = 0.122 LRD
1 LRD = 8.221 NGN
1 NGN = 0.036 MKD
1 MKD = 27.895 NGN
1 NGN = 0.012 LSL
1 LSL = 84.820 NGN
1 NGN = 0.005 MOP
1 MOP = 195.528 NGN
1 NGN = 0.011 MDL
1 MDL = 89.754 NGN
1 NGN = 0.012 NAD
1 NAD = 84.820 NGN
1 NGN = 0.003 MYR
1 MYR = 336.759 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 OMR
1 OMR = 4091.721 NGN
1 NGN = 1.000 NGN
1 NGN = 1.000 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 PGK
1 PGK = 412.526 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 PAB
1 PAB = 1575.190 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 PEN
1 PEN = 426.904 NGN
1 NGN = 0.007 NOK
1 NOK = 149.761 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 PLN
1 PLN = 400.730 NGN
1 NGN = 4.627 PYG
1 PYG = 0.216 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 QAR
1 QAR = 432.032 NGN
1 NGN = 0.005 SBD
1 SBD = 186.718 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 SAR
1 SAR = 419.983 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 SGD
1 SGD = 1181.777 NGN
1 NGN = 13.312 SLL
1 SLL = 0.075 NGN
1 NGN = 0.023 THB
1 THB = 44.077 NGN
1 NGN = 0.020 TWD
1 TWD = 50.051 NGN
1 NGN = 0.024 UAH
1 UAH = 40.920 NGN
1 NGN = 2.480 UGX
1 UGX = 0.403 NGN
1 NGN = 0.022 SRD
1 SRD = 44.545 NGN
1 NGN = 14.145 STD
1 STD = 0.071 NGN
1 NGN = 0.020 TRY
1 TRY = 49.148 NGN
1 NGN = 0.004 TTD
1 TTD = 231.888 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 TOP
1 TOP = 667.114 NGN
1 NGN = 7.955 UZS
1 UZS = 0.126 NGN
1 NGN = 0.159 YER
1 YER = 6.293 NGN
1 NGN = 0.012 ZAR
1 ZAR = 84.145 NGN
1 NGN = 0.068 RSD
1 RSD = 14.662 NGN
1 NGN = 0.058 RUB
1 RUB = 17.248 NGN
1 NGN = 0.363 SOS
1 SOS = 2.757 NGN
1 NGN = 0.006 SVC
1 SVC = 180.067 NGN
1 NGN = 1.595 SYP
1 SYP = 0.627 NGN
1 NGN = 0.012 SZL
1 SZL = 84.852 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 TND
1 TND = 508.700 NGN
1 NGN = 0.025 UYU
1 UYU = 40.570 NGN
1 NGN = 15.650 VND
1 VND = 0.064 NGN
1 NGN = 0.075 VUV
1 VUV = 13.268 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 WST
1 WST = 562.568 NGN
1 NGN = 0.382 XAF
1 XAF = 2.620 NGN
1 NGN = 0.002 XCD
1 XCD = 582.842 NGN
1 NGN = 0.009 SCR
1 SCR = 117.280 NGN
1 NGN = 0.007 SEK
1 SEK = 153.647 NGN
1 NGN = 0.000 SHP
1 SHP = 2010.145 NGN
1 NGN = 1.618 TZS
1 TZS = 0.618 NGN
1 NGN = 0.001 USD
1 USD = 1575.190 NGN
1 NGN = 0.069 XPF
1 XPF = 14.402 NGN
1 NGN = 0.382 XOF
1 XOF = 2.620 NGN

Evolution of the NGN Exchange Rate

The Nigerian Naira (NGN) exchange rate has experienced significant fluctuations over time. Historically, the NGN had a fixed exchange rate regime until the early 1980s when it was weakened and allowed to float freely against other currencies. Since then, the NGN has faced several devaluations due to factors such as economic instability, oil price shocks, and inflationary pressures. In recent years, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has implemented various exchange rate policies to manage and stabilize the NGN.

Variations in the NGN Exchange Rate

The NGN exchange rate has shown high volatility, with fluctuations influenced by domestic and global economic conditions. Factors such as changes in oil prices, government policies, inflation rates, foreign direct investment inflows, and global market sentiment have all contributed to variations in the NGN exchange rate. Economic shocks, both internal and external, can significantly impact the value of the NGN and lead to rapid changes in its exchange rate.

Significance of NGN in the Global Economy

The Nigerian Naira plays an essential role in the global economy due to Nigeria's position as a significant oil producer and emerging market. As Africa's largest economy, Nigeria's economic performance and the stability of the NGN have implications beyond its borders. The NGN exchange rate affects trade, investment, and remittance flows in and out of Nigeria, making it important for both regional and international economic stability.

Shocks Experienced by NGN and Correlation with Other Currencies

The NGN has experienced various shocks throughout its history, including oil price shocks, global financial crises, and domestic economic challenges. These shocks often lead to significant depreciation of the NGN exchange rate. Furthermore, the NGN's correlation with other currencies is influenced by factors such as trade partnerships, commodity prices, and global economic conditions. The NGN has shown correlation patterns with major currencies such as the US Dollar, Euro, and British Pound, as well as with other African currencies.